Rudhyar Danne – The Astrology of America’s Destiny


Rudhyar Danne – The Astrology of America’s Destiny

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Rudhyar Danne – The Astrology of America’s Destiny

Rudhyar Danne - The Astrology of America's Destiny

Product Details

  • Hardcover:209 pages
  • Publisher:Random House; 1st edition (1974)
  • Language:English

Rudhyar learned astrology during a period when he was also studying the psychological writings of Carl G. Jung, and he began to think in terms of bringing astrology and Jungian psychology together. Rudyar also cites Jan Smut’s book Holism and Evolution as an influence. The marriage between astrology and depth-psychology overcame some basic problems, including astrology’s deterministic approach to life and the trouble of designating an agreeable agent to produce the astrological effects. Rudhyar postulated that the stars did not cause the effects seen in human life but were pictures synchronistically aligned to human beings. They detailed psychological forces working in individuals, but did not override human freedom in responding to those forces, he said. At first he called his new interpretation “harmonic astrology” and as the ideas matured renamed it “humanistic astrology,” the subject of his monumental volume, The Astrology of Personality, published in 1936. A friend, Theosophist Alice A. Bailey (the person who invented the term New Age), encouraged the development of his thought and published his book on her press, Lucis Publishing. His initial writings were regular articles in Paul Clancy’s magazine American Astrology and Grant Lewi’s Horoscope Magazine.

Over the next two decades Rudhyar continued to write and lecture on astrology, but while he was honored within the astrological community he was little known outside of it. It was not until the 1970s, as the New Age movement emerged, that major publishing houses discovered him and began to publish his writings: among the first was The Practice of Astrology, published in 1970 by Penguin Books.

In 1969 Rudhyar founded the International Committee for Humanistic Astrology, a small professional society that would work on the development of his perspective. He began one of the most fruitful periods of his life, turning out several books a year for the next decade. He began to absorb the insights of transpersonal astrology, which concentrated on exploring altered and exalted states of perception, and by the mid-1970s had moved beyond humanistic astrology to what he termed “transpersonal astrology.” He also began to reflect upon the New Age movement and wrote several of the more sophisticated volumes on planetary consciousness and New Age philosophy.

Astrological writings
Most of Rudhyar’s more than forty books and hundreds of articles concern astrology and spirituality. The book that established his reputation in the astrological field was his first on the subject, The Astrology of Personality (1936). Arguing that astrology is not essentially predictive but rather productive of intuitive insights, The Astrology of Personality was one of the most influential tracts of “free-will” astrology, despite being written in the dense, circuitous style that characterizes much of Rudhyar’s writing.

Rudhyar’s astrological works were influential in the New Age movement of the 1960s and 1970s, especially among the hippies of San Francisco, where he lived and gave frequent lectures. Rudhyar regarded the ‘true early hippies’ as potential harbingers of a New Age. In 1967 the scene reached its peak in the…Summer of Love in San Francisco. Most notably, Dane Rudhyar predicted in 1972 that the Age of Aquarius would begin in 2062.

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