Henry W.Lane – The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management


Henry W.Lane – The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management

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Henry W.Lane – The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management

Henry W.Lane - The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management


This book provides an overview of current approaches and research in the field of international organizations with a focus on implementation issues in a globalized context.

  • Written by a team of recognized leaders in the field, associated with the growing and influential International Organizations Network (ION).
  • Covers topical issues such as managing virtual teams and globalization.
  • Makes a cohesive statement about the field of international organizations.
  • Is written with a focus on implementation issues.
  • Offers a solid contribution to the closing of the gap between researchers and practitioners.

Table of Contents

List of Figures.

List on the Contributors.


Introducing ION: The International Organization Network.

How ION Works.

Blackwell Handbook of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Global Complexity: The Process.

Part I: Introduction: Understanding People and Context:.

  1. Globalization: Hercules Meets Buddha: Henry W. Lane, Martha L. Maznevski, Mark Mendenhall.
  2. People in Global Organizations: Culture, Personality and Social.

Dynamics – Mary Yoko Brannen, Carolina Gomez, Mark F. Peterson, Laurence Romani, Lilach Sagiv.

Part II: Global Competencies:.

  1. Global Competencies: An Introduction: Alan Bird, Joyce S. Osland.
  2. The Crucial Yet Illusive Global Mindset: Nakiye Boyacigiller, Schon Beechler, Sully Taylor, Orly Levy.
  3. Interpersonal Skills:.

Part A. Mindful Communication: David C. Thomas, Joyce S. Osland.

Part B. Creating and Building Trust: Ellen Whitener, Guenter Stahl.

  1. The System Level Skills of Gobal Competency:.

Part A. Boundary Spanning: Schon Beechler, Mikael Sondergaard, Edwin Miller, Alan Bird.

Part B. Building Community Through Change: Joyce S. Osland, Alan Bird.

Part C. Ethical Decision-Making: Jeanne McNett, Mikael Sondergaard.

Part III: Teaming and Leading:.

  1. Leading in a Global Context: Vision in Complexity: Deanne N. den Hartog.
  2. Designing and Forming Global Teams: Julia C. Gluesing, Cristina B. Gibson.
  3. Effective Team Processes for Global Teams: Sue Canney Davison, Bjorn Z. Ekelund.
  4. Performance Management in Global Teams: Bradley L. Kirkman, Deanne N. Den Hartog.

Part IV: Executing Strategic Initiatives Globally:.

  1. Managing Knowledge in Global Organizations: Tatiana Kostova, Nicholas Athanassiou, Iris Berdrow.
  2. External Sourcing of Knowledge in the International Firm: Julian Birkinshaw.
  3. Seeking Global Advantage With Information Management and Information Technology Capabilities: Donald A. Marchand.
  4. Global Account Management: New Structures, New Tasks: Julian Birkinshaw, Joseph J. DiStefano.
  5. Barriers and Bonds to Knowledge Transfer in Global Alliances and Mergers: Henry W. Lane, Danna Greenberg, Iris Berdrow.
  6. Managing Complexity in the Global Innovation Process: A Networks and Social Capital Solution: Edward F. McDonough III, Francis C. Spital, Nicholas Athanassiou.

Part V: Special Issues in Developing and Transitioning Economies:.

Introduction: Joyce S. Osland, Sue Canney Davison.

  1. The Developing World: Towards a Managerial Understanding: Betty Jane Punnett.
  2. Leadership and Teamwork in the Developing Country Context: Zeynep Aycan.
  3. Gaining Legitimacy: Management’s Challenge in Developing and Transitioning Economies: Daniel J. McCarthy; Sheila M. Puffer.
  4. Management in Action in Developing Economies: Terence Jackson.



Author Information

Henry W. Lane, Martha L. Maznevski, Mark E. Mendenhall, and Jeanne McNett are a highly regarded team of writers and teachers on international management.

Harry Lane is the Darla and Frederick Brodsky Trustee Professor in Global Business at Northeastern University.

Martha L. Maznevski is Professor of Organizational Behavior and International Management at the International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne.

Mark E. Mendenhall is the J. Burton Frierson Chair of Excellence in Business Leadership at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga.

Jeanne McNett is Associate Professor of Management at Assumption College in Massachusetts.

The editors have helped create the International Organizations Network, ION, to develop high-quality international management research on organizational and behavioral issues and increase its impact on management education and practice. ION has provided the authors, the research base, and worldwide teaching experience for this important new handbook on the complexities of global management behavior.


The Wiley Advantage

  • Provides an overview of current approaches and research in the field of international organizations.
  • Written by a team of recognized leaders in the field, associated with the growing and influential International Organizations Network (ION).
  • Covers topical issues such as managing virtual teams and globalization.
  • Makes a cohesive statement about the field of international organizations.
  • Is written with a focus on implementation issues.
  • Offers a solid contribution to the closing of the gap between researchers and practitioners.



“At no time in the world’s history have we been more in need of global understanding than today. Lane, Maznevski, Mendenhall, and McNett have brought together some of the most up-to-date scholarship on globalization and global management to help guide us through the complexity of the opening years of the twenty-first century. Read it, it is well worth your time.” Professor Nancy Adler, McGill University, Canada

“The wealth of knowledge represented in this book is simply breathtaking…This handbook is very likely going to stand the test of times and will be a major resource on global management for many years to come.” Maximilian Von Zedtwitz, R&D Management 2005

“The handbook brings together significant discussions on key elements of global management, providing an excellent resource for executives, students and scholars.” Helen de Cieri, Journal of International Business Studies

“Researchers, trainers, and students of global management will all find value in this book”International Journal of Intercultural Relations

“The approach taken by this book is original…the editors and contributors deserve kudos for their ambitious and worthwhile contribution. It is unlike any other book on the topic that I am aware of. It is well worth your time to pursue it for its intellectual as well as pedagogical riches.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations

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