Charles Brandes – Value Investing Today (3rd Ed.)


Charles Brandes – Value Investing Today (3rd Ed.)

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Charles Brandes – Value Investing Today (3rd Ed.)

Charles Brandes - Value Investing Today (3rd Ed.)

On the heels of recent stock market tumbles and deceptions, value investing–the staple of investing greats from Benjamin Graham to Warren Buffett–has roared back into the spotlight. Value Investing Today returns with a new edition, filled with updated information and advice to give investors the skills and knowledge to become successful value investors.

Broader in scope than previous editions, this third edition offers fresh lessons investors can use to uncover stocks that are, for whatever reason, underpriced in relation to their value.

Updates to this edition include:

  • New chapters on the psychology of investing and corporate governance
  • Expanded discussions on the importance of margin of safety
  • Increased correlations among world markets, and how to capitalize on them

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