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The Story of How I Got 1.7 Million Visitors Without Paying a Cent

If you know how to use WordPress, then you can do this too. CONTENT MAVERICKS – CONTENT MARKETING MASTERS

It all started when I got this DM on Twitter from Noah Kagan…

Most companies are doing content marketing wrong.


Like everyone else, usually I would pump out a new piece of content every week and I was lucky if I got a couple hundred readers. Every week I would work my ass off, most of the time getting no where.

I had just written a new article for my agency blog (about Hubspot) to try and attract business owners who liked Hubspot.

Why Do Ad Networks Make It So Hard?

Does it even make sense why ad networks make it so hard to pay them for clicks. Shouldn’t they make it easier, not harder???

You almost need a college degree to figure out Google Ads.

Then there’s all the rules…

Ad networks decide what headlines you can use. They decide they don’t like your squeeze page. CONTENT MAVERICKS – CONTENT MARKETING MASTERS

It feels like ad networks have more rules than a library.

Even worse, they add new rules almost every week! It’s almost like everything that works good – they decide to ban it.

Which means you almost have to re-learn how to do marketing their way. You’re forever at their mercy.

Then, if you get a great paid campaign going it might get shut down overnight. Sometimes you get shut down even if their own ad reviewers disapprove something by mistake.

Worst of all – YOU – have to prove why it was THEIR mistake.

That’s if you’re lucky enough to talk to anyone. God knows they make it hard to contact customer support. CONTENT MAVERICKS – CONTENT MARKETING MASTERS

I found another way, and thank god I did.

Because of My New Traffic Skills, I Now Get To Do Awesome Stuff Like Hang Out In Jamaica

If I can do this, so can you…

Before I tell you what I do, let me share how I stumbled onto my method. First of all, just a couple years ago I was selling snow cones in Australia.


I was not a digital marketing expert. I was a break-dancing Aussie who sold carnival treats.

My claim to fame back home was selling over $1 million dollars worth of snow cones and donating over $100,000 of it back to kids athletic clubs.

And then I met Justin Brooke, he’s a bonafide digital marketing expert. He has 13 years of experience, has spent tens of millions on ads, and thousands of customers.

He was teaching me how to start an online ad agency.

I told you I used to be a paid traffic guy!

Then Justin showed me a strategic way of doing content marketing. He was the mentor who gave me the technique that went viral.

A method that wasn’t SEO and didn’t need paid clicks either.

This wasn’t just some fluke viral article that I wrote one time and got lucky.

This was over a whole year’s time with a small bunch of articles. Which for the most part I didn’t even write, I just researched.

You will be able to repeat my success with this content marketing method over and over.

It’s reliable, consistent, free, and Google can’t take it away!

It’s working so well, that investors, CEOs, and CMOs are reaching out to me asking to do what I do for them… CONTENT MAVERICKS – CONTENT MARKETING MASTERS

What Are You Doing That Works So Well?

Ok, let me explain what I did…

Frankly, I do almost all the same stuff that paid traffic guys do, except for the paying for clicks part.

I still make a customer avatar.

You have to know your target. Without this it’s like trying to navigate in a new city with no map.

I still write headlines, call to actions, build an email list, and post stuff to social media.

The BIGGEST differences are…

I don’t have to ask permission from ad networks first

I can never get banned or shut down

I get all my clicks for free, instead of paying

You Might Be Thinking What I Do Is SEO,

But That’s Not What I Do…

If you want to rank for keywords organically, then this works great without much effort. CONTENT MAVERICKS – CONTENT MARKETING MASTERS

* But it’s not SEO.*

SEO is far too difficult, competitive, and still makes you at mercy from getting all your traffic taken away.

The only company who changes their rules more than Facebook, is Google!

You don’t have to research low competition keywords.
You don’t have to beg for links via email outreach.
You don’t have to measure your keyword density.
You don’t need a top secret private network of sites linking to yours.

Then how does it rank organically?

Because my method still gets you a lot of shares, clicks, backlinks, and time on page.

It does all that as a side effect.

Meaning it just happens.

Google loves all those things. They will rank your content favorably WITHOUT having to do “SEO.” CONTENT MAVERICKS – CONTENT MARKETING MASTERS

The organic (SEO) traffic you’ll get is a nice side benefit.

You’ll get even much more traffic from other sources though.

And you won’t be sitting around waiting for the Google gods to bless your page with #1 rankings.

If you follow exactly as I say, then you’ll get a majority of your clicks within the first 3 days.

Thousands of them…


Content Marketing Masters

Content Marketing Masters

I’ve documented everything over the last year. I’ve created video tutorials, and case studies too.

Content Marketing Masters is more than a course, it’s a full content marketing system. You can take it for yourself, or plug in a team member.

Here’s what you’ll learn inside…

The 3 content types I used to get millions of clicks, hundreds of thousands of leads, and over 1,000 sales

REAL LIFE EXAMPLE: The content strategy and site structure I designed for (over 500,000 clicks per month)

How to create content that moves your readers to become customers without ever picking up a phone or doing webinars

My favorite content research techniques that identify hot ideas from cold duds

My 5-step content writing checklist with examples and templates so you too can delegate this to anyone

The exact process I use to hire quality writers that get results, instead of those fluff pieces that don’t even get shared or ranked

How to use smart content upgrades to convert 1 out of 5 of your readers into subscribers

How to do a “Pre-Launch Promotion” for your content that builds anticipation and ensures you won’t fall flat on your face when launching

How to rapid test headlines to find one that will get you 1,000’s of shares

The exact email I use to get other top influencers in my market to take part in helping me write and promote my content

The most powerful way to increase your audience size and get hundreds of marketing qualified leads in one day. Even if no one has ever heard of you before

How to get promotion partners, even if you think your current audience size isn’t big enough for them

How to know exactly which articles you should put paid clicks behind because the ROI is a sure bet

How to start out with a small budget, and turn it into a larger more lucrative budget

How to get the CEOs of industry-leading companies, even big VC’s, to like and share your content

The exact process I used to produce one of Noah Kagan’s highest shared articles of all time for OkDork

10 promotion tactics that DID NOT work out, so you won’t waste your time on them

How I drove 50,778 clicks to one blog post on with just 1 hour of work

Plus, you’ll get my instant delegation kit…

You don’t want to be doing all the grunt work.

I’ll show you how to rapidly replace yourself with my instant delegation kit. Use these checklists, spreadsheets, and swipes to get your team producing results for you.

Inside you’re going to get…

The Content Promotion Experiments Worksheet I use to try out, score, and select new promotion tactics (filled with experiment details I already tried)

ONE simple spreadsheet to plan, manage, and track ALL your content

How to use the Pro-active Metrics Tracking Worksheet so your team knows exactly what to do each week

Exclusive access to my live file of successful content swipes. (the best content marketing pieces I’ve ever written or seen are all here!)

The Content Promotion Checklist I use every time I want people in my industry to talk about what I’ve published (with step-by-step instructions for every item, so you can outsource it)

My top 10 tools for content research, writing, editing, upgrades, and promotions. Plus info on what exactly I use them for, and how.

And more…