
Dan Kennedy – Opportunity Marketing Concepts

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Dan Kennedy – Opportunity Marketing Concepts

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Dan Kennedy – Opportunity Marketing Concepts

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Additional Speakers:
Craig Simpson
Jeff Walker

Sell just about anything better using opportunity concepts marketing. Reveals how to bridge the “Grand Canyon Sized Gap” between what your prospect really thinks and your current sales message.

Dan shares the game-changers of pure opportunity marketing by comparing and contrasting the opportunity marketer’s approach to the two sales approaches most commonly used in marketing. Discover how to apply opportunity selling concepts to better attract a more committed customer, craft a story that connects to where your prospect actually is mentally and taps into your customer’s desire so you can greatly elevate your revenues and profits.

Sorry to say, but you’d be surprised and a little depressed at just how uninterested prospects REALLY are to your marketing message.

Why Most Businesses Are DEAD WRONG About What Their Prospects Are REALLY Thinking… And How You Can ‘Legally Steal’ The Sales Tactics Used By One Of The Most Cutthroat Markets In The WORLD To Close This ‘Grand-Canyon’ Sized Gap So You Can Achieve More Control, Sustainability, And Profits In Your Business!”

Opportunity Marketers Use A Different Approach To Selling That Builds INSTANT Desire In Their Product/Service.And It’s An Approach You’re Probably NOT Using Right Now.

Dear Renegade Millionaire,

Let’s get down to it: I’m going to let you in on a slightly different approach to selling you’ve probably have NEVER been taught. even from me.

These techniques come from a niche some may consider to be a little “shady”, unethical, and downright devious. And some of you might get downright offended and flick off your internet browser right now.

But if you’re like our most successful GKIC members who are always looking for marketing techniques they can “swipe and deploy” in their businesses.well, I’m going to let you in on a marketing arsenal that’ll allow you to boost your revenue and profits.

This is stuff I couldn’t simply publish in the “No B.S. Newsletter” and call it a day.

And I couldn’t sit down and hammer this out in a book or $297 product and expect to give these strategies the probative attention they deserved.

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