
Dandrew Media – Commercial Real Estate Land Development Financier

$397.00 $57.00

Dandrew Media – Commercial Real Estate Land Development Financier.

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Dandrew Media – Commercial Real Estate Land Development Financier

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Ever wonder how so many commercial real estate professionals
continue to strive and prosper in today’s meager economy? 

Dandrew Media’s Capital Placement Series reveals the closely held institutional secrets that are the driving force behind today’s most successful Wall Street investors. Land can be a tremendous wealth creator if executed correctly. It may not pay your rent today, but it’s definitely something you need to add to your collection of “hope certificates”. There is about $400 billion in quality, stale commercial developments that have been halted and are ripe for the picking.

Intermediaries Will Learn:

Land Basics
The three main types of land transactions are introduced and land investing characteristics described in significant detail showcasing the advantages and drawbacks for each.

Benefits of Interim Land Use 
Often times investors will use this advantageous technique that defrays the costs of holding the land. Interim uses described and benefits discussed.

Land Valuation

The core of Land Development Financier is teaching you how to establish the value of land, a concept that every Intermediary must be able to successfully complete with accuracy.

Commercial Residual Analysis vs. Residual Analysis

Both land valuation techniques are taught and analysis approaches compared discussing why residual analysis is a much better approach. Intermediaries will gain a thorough understanding of these concepts and walk awa y from the class with a substantial education and expertise in conducting raw land valuation.

How to Structure the Land Acquisition Transaction

Once the approval risks and land issues are resolved, the investor will seek to develop the property. The key to a successful closing is how the deal is structured. Dandrew Media’s in-depth knowledge and experience is shared during this comprehensive examination of structuring a land acquisition transaction.

Land Purchases

Intermediaries will learn common methods used in land purchases and when each method should be used.

Land Financing Options

Having a working knowledge of every land financing option is vital to the transactions success. Here Intermediaries will gain invaluable capital intelligence as each financing option is explained in significant detail. You will walk away from this tutorial knowing exactly which option to use for your deals.

Politics and the Land Investor 

Land is the most politically charged real estate asset class because land rights dictate future uses and character for the area. Understanding local barriers are key to your deal’s progress.

Land Development Risk

The three main risks involved in land development are examined giving the Intermediary further insight into the intricacies of land development and how to close more deals using Dandrew Media’s insider deal structuring tactics.

Bonus Material

With the purchase of Land Development Financier you’ll also receive FOUR bonus Infographics!

Dandrew Media’s Infographics were created with one main goal: To keep our Intermediaries organized by not just telling them “what to do” but to show them exactly “how to do it”. Specially designed to keep our Intermediaries working smarter not harder, each Infographic is the ultimate desktop resource that you need to keep your pipeline full, deals progressing and successful closes. Our colorful, user-friendly Infographics were designed to print out at an impressive size of 17″ x 11″ and hang on your office wall.


Land Lease Financier

Having an in depth comprehension of land leases and how they are structured is a pivotal commercial real estate concept that every Intermediary should understand. If you’re conducting business in the markets where land leases are typically found, then you need Infographic: Land Lease Financier.


How Development Loans Are Generally Structured

You must have the competency to effectively structure your construction and development deals. Leaving out a critical piece of information in the loan structure could lead your developers into a financial disaster. This Infographic explains how these loans should be structured while identifying problem areas.


Land Financing Options & Investment Characteristics

If you’re conducting business in commercial real estate then it’s mandatory that you know the fundamentals of every land financing option. This Infographic reveals every option you need to consider and discusses the benefits of each. Our creative financing solutions are showcased in this revolutionary poster-sized Infographic. If you’re working on land transactions, then it’s time to get creative and close more deals.

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