David Arena – Options Trading Course


David Arena – Options Trading Course

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David Arena – Options Trading Course

Forex Trading

Ready to learn Forex? The pros at Online Trading Academy are here to help! The foreign exchange market (also known as forex or FX) is one of the most exciting, fast-paced markets in the financial world. Though historically, forex has been the domain of large institutions, central banks, and high wealth individuals, the growth of the Internet has allowed the average individual to become involved with and profit from trading currency online. Online Trading Academy offers Forex Trading online and classroom workshops, as well as weeklong courses to traders of all levels. Learn Forex trading using the latest tools and software, and make predictions based on careful training from the pros.

Learning Forex: About the Forex Trading Market

The foreign exchange market is the virtual location where global currencies are traded. Though the total volume ebbs and flows, the Bank for International Settlements reported that the forex market trades in excess of $4.9 trillion U.S. per day. This makes it the largest electronic market, essentially dwarfing the stock market.

What is Currency Trading?

Trading currencies is the act of making predictions based on minuscule variations in the global economy and buying and selling accordingly. The exchange rate between two currencies is the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another. Forex traders use available data to analyze currencies and countries like you would companies, thereby using economic forecasts to gain an idea of the currency’s true value.

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