David Duty – Common Sense Commodities


David Duty – Common Sense Commodities

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David Duty – Common Sense Commodities

Common Sense Options was written with the sole purpose of teaching someone to trade options for a living or for increasing ones profits in the Futures markets. If you have ever wanted to learn to trade options in the past or if you are just looking to add options to your trading strategy then Common Sense Options is just what you have been looking for. Trading options don’t have to be difficult even though some educators try to impress you with how much they know by complicating something that is in reality pretty easy to learn. I’m not going to impress you with how much I know. But what I’m going to impress you with is how fast you are going to learn how to trade options and how much money can be made trading them. After all, isn’t that what’s really important? This course is unlike anything you have ever seen before. First we start out with the concept that you don’t even know what an option is, much less how to trade them. Then I show you several different very simple option strategies that can you start using on day one to make money. Then the fun stuff starts. I’m going to teach you how to use options along with Futures to increase your reward potential while at the same time reducing your risk on those trades. Well, if that sounds too good to be true it’s really not. You are going to find that options give you more trading opportunities than you ever dreamed of. If you are like most people, you look at a chart and see what you think is a great trade setting up but there is just too much risk. Not anymore! I don’t care what market you are trading or if the market is going up, down or even sideways, you will now be able to trade it and trade it with less risk and often with even more potential profits. I’m going to show you dozens of different strategies that will allow you to trade any market at any time and without any of the complicated techno jargon you might have seen in other courses. Not only have I made this course easy to understand, I’ve also made it fun! The course is over 250 pages printed in full color and comes with 39 separate videos that show you exactly how each of the strategies work in the real markets. And at the end of each lesson there is a homework section just to make sure you are grasping the concepts that you are learning. As a Common Sense Options student you will be able to join my other students around the world who have taken this course in my student forum and on webinars that I do every month. Actually I have students in over 67 countries and have been teaching people to trade for almost 15 years. I’m also going to include some software that you can start using day one to start practicing what you are learning in the course and on the videos. It’s the same software that I use every day too. Also in October I’m doing two different online seminars lasting two days each. One is going to be on futures trading and the other on options trading. Students are going to get a whopping 70% discount. There are going to be several other big name educators co-hosting these seminars with me. There has never been anything like this before so keep an eye out for an email in the next few days. My Common Sense Options course comes with a no questions ask refund policy. Get the course read and study it, watch the videos, join in the webinars and student forum and if for any reason you don’t feel that you got more than you monies worth, just send it back for a full refund and keep the ten hours of videos just for trying out the course.

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