
Dropshipping Accelerator 2018 – Adam Thomas

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Dropshipping Accelerator 2018 – Adam Thomas

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Dropshipping Accelerator 2018 – Adam Thomas

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This course has been designed mainly to do 2 things:

1.) Speed up your learning process – I don’t want you to have to waste months or up to years of your life trying to figure this stuff out by yourself, I want to lay everything out from A-Z and give you on-going support to get the results you want as fast as possible.

The main goal of this course is to help you get everything right from day one.

2.) Save you money – The course is designed to be mutually beneficial, I want this course to be an investment and pay for itself.

I wasted thousands running paid traffic because I had to figure out myself how to optimise your ads, so you could either learn how to optimise your ads by throwing loads of money at them and analysing the data, or you can just have them optimised from the minute you set them up by learning from my mistakes.

The majority of the stuff in the course you can learn yourself, I’m not going to lie. After all, I figured this all myself, I didn’t take any courses.

It took me two years to start making good profit, and I’ve put that entire two years experience into one course. So yeah, you can go and scrape information from tonnes of blog articles, YouTube videos, and other guides.

The only problem is, you’re going to waste a lot of time doing this. You can always make more money, but that time you will never get back.

I have also designed the course to be a luxury learning experience, laying out everything you need in a nice, digestible format.

You can learn on your desktop, mobile, or tablet both online and offline through a combination of videos, presentations, and downloadable PDF’s I’ve created to make the learning experience fast and fun.

When a blog article gets to the top of Google, it’s not because the content is accurate, it’s because of SEO (search engine optimisation), that’s a fact.

I learnt this the hard way, so this course is designed to not only to save you from having scrape bits of free content from across the web trying to piece everything together, but also to make sure you don’t read any inaccurate or outdated information that will hurt your progression instead of helping your progression.

Here is what we will go through in the course (please note there may be very slight changes as this is still in beta, although the majority of the course and the bulk of information will stay the same):

Module 1: Complete Store Set-up Guide + Hands-on Walkthrough

This module is all about setting up your store, people often go through 3 or 4 failed stores before making a sale. Why waste so much of your time and money when you can just set everything up right the first time?

My aim is to teach you how to set up the foundation of your business properly, from day one you can pick a golden niche using my extensive finding a niche guide, one of the most detailed guides on the internet tailored specifically for dropshipping in 2018.

I also show you some of my more secretive ways of competitor research, like how to find your top competitors, how to see what products are best sellers in their store RIGHT NOW so you can piggyback off their proven products.

I will also make sure your store is optimised for conversions right from the get go as well, so you can make the most out of your free and paid traffic.


– Ultimate Finding a Niche Guide

– Advanced Competitor Research/Spying Guide

– Complete Set-up Store From Scratch Walkthrough – Hands On

– How To Optimize Your Store For Conversions

– Ultimate Blueprint For Picking Winning Products

Module 2: Getting Started With Free Traffic

Who doesn’t love free traffic? It’s literally sales you can get completely for free. Word of mouth marketing is one of the biggest business drivers both online and offline, and I’m going to show you how to get literal fans for your brand that buzz about your store.

Having a background in social media marketing, I know exactly how to leverage it for e-commerce stores to get completely free leads, and using some marketing magic we can throw these leads through my ready-to-go sales funnels to convert them into paying customers.


– Building Your Instagram Page + Content Marketing Strategy

– Building Your Facebook + Content Marketing Strategy

– How To Run Your Social Media on Autopilot For Free!

– How To Drive VIRAL Traffic For Free Using Reddit

– The Most Untapped Social Media Platform in 2018

– Ultimate Guide To Recruiting Affiliates For Your Store

Module 3: Get Profitable From Day 1 With Google AdWords

Google AdWords is what changed my life, that’s why I’m such a big advocate of it. If I didn’t stumble across Google AdWords then you probably wouldn’t be reading this right now, I’d be in university studying for a psychology degree I didn’t really want to do.

My first ever Google AdWords campaign brought me over £500 total in profit, it’s nothing groundbreaking but this led me on to my first real taste of entrepreneurship, if it wasn’t for AdWords I probably would have just gave up, as I had went so long without making any real money.

I can see why AdWords is profitable so quickly, it’s all about getting in front of people at the right time. People are literally searching things like ‘buy camping wireless led light’ into Google and we can get in front of them with the product they want to buy at that moment in time.


– Setting Up Your AdWords + Conversion Tracking

– Full Guide on Finding Profitable Keywords

– The Key To Profitable AdWords Campaigns

– Watch Me Set-up A Profitable Campaign Live

– How To Use A Product Page As A Landing Page To Test Products

– How To Properly Analyse Keyword Performance To Optimize Your Ads

Module 4: Instagram Influencers In-Depth

Instagram Influencers are still untapped even with all the exposure they’ve had in 2018. Why? Because for the prices they charge, if you know what you’re doing then you can drive shit loads of targeted traffic to your site for literally next to nothing.

The reason a lot of people fail is because they find crappy influencers, they create poor ads, they don’t know what type of offers convert, they don’t know how to write good captions.

However the scary part is, a lot of people get all this right, and still can’t find success with influencers.

It’s because most of your visitors coming off Instagram won’t buy first time, the influencers provide you with the traffic, and you have to convert them into customers by warming them up with some good marketing and sales funnels.


– How to Find Instagram Influencers

– How to Contact Influencers

– Finding The Perfect Instagram Influencers For Your Store

– What Offers Sell Best on Instagram?

– How to Create Your Ads for Instagram

– How to Scale With Instagram Influencers

BONUS: Complete Guide on YouTube Influencers

Module 5: Beginner to Expert at Facebook Ads

Go and join some Shopify Facebook groups, you will notice one thing, 99% of the people using Facebook ads are spending hundreds, even up to thousands and not making one sale.


Because it’s the hardest advertising platform to ever grace the internet, and most people just jump straight in thinking they will just figure it out themselves.

It’s definitely the hardest advertising platform for a beginner and I’m transparent about this, that’s why I recommend getting sales first through AdWords and Instagram Influencers first, it’s a lot easier and will save you more money.

I will teach you how to test products with Facebook Ads also just because a lot of you have asked me to include this in the course and after all I am creating the course with you in mind, although being 100% transparent and honest I would stay away from testing with Facebook Ads because the success rate is a lot smaller than the other methods I show you in the course.

– What To Do Before Any Facebook Advertising (or you’ll waste money)

– Complete Guide To Testing Products With Facebook Ads

– My Advanced 3-Day High Converting Retargeting Funnel

– How To Create High Converting Lookalike Audiences

– How To Get Insane Social Proof on Ads For Almost Free

Module 6: Email Marketing Automation & Domination

Email marketing is essential. It helps convert visitors into customers by warming them up through automatic email sequences, and it also helps get existing customers to keep returning to your store completely for free!

The best thing about email marketing is that a lot of it is completely automated, so you set some sequences up once and you never have to touch them again! It literally is the definition of passive income.

I am revealing my exact email templates I use in the course and not on YouTube so I can limit the number of people that see them, otherwise everyone will be using them and they will get saturated real fast. You can see my best converting templates for welcoming new subscribers with a discount, abandoned cart email sequences, and also my best converting emails that I send out in my weekly newsletters.

Obviously stuff like sending out newsletters you need to do yourself (unless you outsource) as someone has to create the content, but I’ll make it as easy as possible by showing you how to create your own newsletters that convert really well, and also show you the most effective way of email marketing which is by captivating on seasons all year round when customers are naturally in the buying mood already.

– Best Methods In 2018 To Capture Email Addresses Using Free & Paid Traffic

– How To Build Trust With Customers by Welcoming New Subscribers

– How To Completely Automate Your Abandoned Cart Email + My Email Template

– Best Converting Emails (How to Captivate on Seasonal Promotions)

– How To Send Weekly/Monthly Email Campaigns (Best Content Strategy)

– Combining Email Marketing with Retargeting Ads For A Better ROI

BONUS – My 2018 Messenger Marketing Strategy

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