E.Wilhelm – Vault of Heavens


E.Wilhelm – Vault of Heavens

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E.Wilhelm – Vault of Heavens

E.Wilhelm - Vault of Heavens

About the Author

Ernst Wilhelm earned a degree in Naturopathy at the age of twenty-one. After practicing in that field for one year, particularly Iridology and nutritional counseling, he quit due to believing that physical well-being was secondary to mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, and turned his attention instead onto astrology. Since then he has made an extensive study of the classical texts from India as well as having studied many texts by Western Astrologers. He now has a private practice and teaches regular Vedic Astrology classes in addition to offering comprehensive Vedic Astrology correspondence classes. He is a regular contributor to Vedic Astrology magazine, and an American Council of Vedic Astrology certified teacher. He is the author of Tarot- Bringing Us Closer to the Truth. His current writing projects include the translation of an important Sanskrit astrology text- Upadesa Sutras, and books on Yogas and Relationship Compatibility, and he is also developing, Käla- Vedic Astrology Software in partnership with his Indian wife.

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