
Entrepreneurs Starter Kit by Tai Lopez

$997.00 $129.97

Entrepreneurs Starter Kit by Tai Lopez

Original Sales Price: $997

You Just Pay : $129.97

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Entrepreneurs Starter Kit by Tai Lopeza

Sale Page : isaboutfreedom

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There’s a 92% chance you’re an employee working for someone else. If you are, there’s a 80% chance you’re discontent with your job, your current financial situation, the freedom you have to travel, go out to nice restaurants, provide for yourself and others… If you are, you’re maybe thinking in starting a business but you have no idea on what and how.

The Entrepreneur Starter Kit walks you through how to launch your own business in under 8 weeks, even if you have little money or experience. Tai breaks down what you need to know so that you can find an idea that works for you, get your business started quickly, and grow it. He’s showing you the method he uses when deciding to launch businesses of his own. Entrepreneurs Starter


  • How to leverage your strengths in business
  • How to turn weaknesses into opportunities
  • How to stay ahead of trends to be ahead of your competition
  • How to launch your business quickly (within 1-8 weeks)
  • How to pivot your product or service based on the demand of the market Entrepreneurs Starter
  • How to grow your business


  • The Entrepreneur Starter Kit program. 5 modules of video lessons.
  • 10 Fast-Track Business Kits: proven business models from self-made entrepreneurs making at least $100k a month. They range from selling clothes online, building apps to sell, selling on Amazon, or how to start a consulting business. Entrepreneurs Starter
  • Private Facebook group: online private group for you to ask questions to people who teach in the program right on your phone.
  • 1 Free Ticket To Attend one of Tai’s upcoming events: good opportunity to see Tai speak in person and be around like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • 60-day money back guarantee.
  • Life time access, anywhere, anytime.

If you haven’t started a business yet and are looking for a step-by-step formula to getting started so you don’t make any careless mistakes, then the Entrepreneur Starter Kit is for you. Even if you already do have a business set up, this is a great tool to launching your second, third, or even fourth businesses. Entrepreneurs Starter

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