Richard Shepherd – Excel VBA Macro Programming


Richard Shepherd – Excel VBA Macro Programming

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Richard Shepherd – Excel VBA Macro Programming

Richard Shepherd - Excel VBA Macro Programming

Make Excel work harder and faster for you. This unique book presents sample code for more than twenty practical, high-powered Excel VBA macro applications. You’ll get all the essentials of VBA, and then explore ways to power Excel with VBA. Automate tasks, convert numbers to labels, transpose cells, add formula details, globally changes values, and much, much more.

From the Back Cover

Develop powerful, custom Excel applications using Visual Basic for ApplicationsMaximize the features and functionality of Excel with help from this unique resource designed specifically for power users. Inside, you’ll find complete details on Excel VBA programming and application development–from the fundamentals to advanced techniques. Then, you’ll get 21 real-world projects, complete with working code, so you can create Excel VBA macros right away. These projects include everything from setting up timed events to auto totaling a matrix of numbers to altering the appearance of spreadsheet components–and much more.

  • Write and debug VBA code
  • Create custom dialog boxes and toolbars
  • Take advantage of the Excel object model
  • Write code to interact with a database
  • Use application programming interface (API) calls
  • Create and use class modules
  • Develop unique menus within the Excel menu structure
  • Expand calculation and search functions
  • Write macros for customized worksheets
  • Create full-fledged Excel add-ins

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Richard Shepherd has been developing software for blue-chip corporations for 20 years. He has produced VBA code in Excel for major projects, including profit-and-loss reporting and business planning and budgeting.

About the Author

Richard Shepherd (Reading, Berkshire, England) is a qualified accountant with a special interest in computer languages, particularly Visual Basic, and he’s spent the last 20 years developing computer software in blue chip organizations.

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