Ernest R.Larkins – Intern. Applications Of U S Income Tax Law Inbound And Outbound Transactions


Ernest R.Larkins – Intern. Applications Of U S Income Tax Law Inbound And Outbound Transactions

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Ernest R.Larkins – Intern. Applications Of U S Income Tax Law Inbound And Outbound Transactions

Ernest R.Larkins - Intern. Applications Of U S Income Tax Law Inbound And Outbound Transactions


A clear, concise explanation of United States tax law’s international aspects

In tackling a sometimes thorny set of laws and treaties, international tax expert Ernest Larkins emphasizes their economic effects, showing how to avoid hazards while reaping rewards which often go ignored. Coverage includes:

  • Special issues arising when a foreign person invests in U.S. real estate, as well as the best structures for holding such real estate
  • What a controlled foreign corporation is and what consequences result from this status
  • Acceptable transfer pricing methods and what penalties apply when taxpayers do not follow arm’s-length principles

International Applications of U.S. Income Tax Law also contains many useful tools which allow readers to build understanding through practice, as well as formulate and solve the complex problems international taxes can present.

Order your copy today!

Table of Contents


PART ONE: Generic Topics.

CHAPTER 1: Policy and Overview.

International Tax Policy.

Entity Selection.

Generic Topics.

Inbound Transactions.

Outbound Transactions.

Related Person Transactions.

CHAPTER 2: Jurisdiction to Tax.

Tale of Two Systems.

U.S. Jurisdiction.

Double Taxation.

CHAPTER 3: Income Tax Treaties.

Treaty Creation and Authority.

Treaty Scope.

Personal Service Income.

Business Profit.

Investment Income.

Gain from Dispositions.

Special Clauses.

CHAPTER 4: Source of Income.

Fundamental Importance.

General Source Rules.

Interest Income.

Dividend Income.

Personal Service Income.

Rent and Royalty Income.

Gain from Selling Property.

Other Source Rules.

CHAPTER 5: Allocation and Apportionment.

Allocation to Classes.

Apportionment to Groupings.

Interest Deductions.

Research and Experimental Deductions.

Other Deductions.

PART TWO: Inbound Transactions.

CHAPTER 6: Foreign Persons.

Residency Tests.

Counting Days.

Dual Status Aliens.

Important Elections.

CHAPTER 7: Nonbusiness Income.

Fixed or Determinable, Annual or Periodical Income.

Marginal Tax Rates.

Nonbusiness Exemptions.

Interest Stripping.

CHAPTER 8: Business Income.

U.S. Trade or Business.

Effectively Connected Income.

Business Exemptions.

Income Tax Calculations.

CHAPTER 9: Real Property Gains.

U.S. Real Property Interests.

U.S. Real Property Holding Corporations.

Withholding Procedures.

Structures for Holding U.S. Real Estate.

CHAPTER 10: Branch Taxes.

Branch Profits Tax.

Marginal Tax Rates.

Branch Interest Tax.

PART THREE: Outbound Transactions.

CHAPTER 11: Foreign Tax Credit.

Creditable Taxes.

Deemed Paid Taxes.

Limitation Formula.

Tax-Sparing Credit.

CHAPTER 12: Controlled Foreign Corporations.

CFCs and U.S. Shareholders.

Subpart F Income.

Earnings Invested in U.S. Property.

Constructive Dividends.

CHAPTER 13: Other Antideferral Provisions.

Passive Foreign Investment Companies.

Qualified Electing Funds.

Foreign Personal Holding Companies.

CHAPTER 14: Export Incentives.

Extraterritorial Income Exclusion.

Domestic International Sales Corporations.

CHAPTER 15: U.S. Individuals Abroad.

Foreign Earned Income Exclusion.

Income Sourced in U.S. Possessions.

Social Security Concerns.

PART FOUR: Related Person Transactions.

CHAPTER 16: Transfer Prices.

General Principles.

Loan of Funds.

Performance of Services.

Rental of Tangible Property.

Sale or License of Intangible Property.

Sale of Tangible Property.

Valuation Misstatements.

Advance Pricing Agreements.

CHAPTER 17: Asset Transfers.

Outbound Asset Transfers.

Inbound Asset Transfers.

External Asset Transfers.


Table of Statutes.

Table of Regulations.



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