
Josh Flagg – Million Dollar Agent

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Josh Flagg – Million Dollar Agent.

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Josh Flagg – Million Dollar Agent

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Million Dollar Realtor Reveals The One Simple Secret ANY Ordinary Realtor Can Use to Make $30,000 to $50,000 or More PER Commission and 6 to 7 Figures a Year… While Actually Working LESS Than You Are Now!

Attention Real Estate Agents who are working too hard, for too little commissions… on a sure path to burnout and feeling drained…

Right below, take a sneak peek inside my $300,000+ per month real estate business, and more importantly,copy it to get similar results …

Dear real estate agent 

Josh Flagg here.

Even though you may have seen me as one of the star’s on Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles… I’m not here as a T.V. Star.

I’m here to change your business and your LIFE!

What you’re about to read is for ANY realtor who is currently unhappy with the amount of money you make or the amount of time off you have in your business.

Because let’s face it… if you’re like MOST real estate agents… you’re working as hard as you can, but can’t get beyond a certain level of success.

And yet, while you’re working so hard and barely making money… the lack of consistent income and time off causes stress and worry. 

It can also interrupt the free time you do have with your family… because of how things are, even when you’re with them, you’re not really “with them”.

Here’s the BIG trap: Most realtors think that working harder will get them CLOSER to success. So they spend EVEN more time working.

But they keep doing the same things that aren’t working. This is why most real estate agents kill themselves working 70 hours a week…

Yet Barely Make Enough Money to Survive 

Does that sound familiar? Running around in circles… on a hamster wheel to nowhere? But what happens at this pace? You guessed it, burnout.

Keep reading because this is a BIG mistake that doesn’t need to happen.

Instead of feeling drained all the time… you CAN make the kind of money you want… and you can do it in a fraction of the time you’re spending now.

In fact, my goal with this letter is to PROVE to you, that you can sell a $2 million dollar home JUST as easy as you can sell a $300,000. The system, steps, and processes… they’re ALL exactly the same.

But what’s the one big difference? By making one simple change in your business… you earn $30,000 to $50,000 in COMMISSIONS when you sell a house. How much better would life be if you could make $50,000 with one sale, versus the typical $5,000 to $10,000 most realtors make when selling lower priced homes.

That’s Why I Wrote this Important Letter… 

Like I said… if you’re not happy with the money you make, or the time off you have… the ONLY way to get different results is to CHANGE the routine you’re using.

You need to do something better… something that help you make more in commission without working any harder (actually, you can work less hours with what I show you).

So I’m going to bring you inside my 7 figure per year real estate business. Then, I’ll give you the steps to take to go from working too hard for too little… to being able to enjoy a 6 to 7 figure income in less time than you’re working now.

That’s right… you CAN have a great income AND a great life with plenty of time off.

Look, if you’re going to work hard as a Realtor, why not be the BEST realtor who also makes the MOST money. And like I mentioned… the steps to make $5,000 a month are the exact same steps you take to make $50,000 to $100,000 a month or $2 to $3 million dollars a year.

The only thing that’s different? Your mindset. That thing between your ears is the only thing stopping you from making millions in real estate.

I’m Going to Show You How to Make the Shift (It’s Easy)! 

My goal with this message is to prove you have what it takes, right now, to become a million dollar real estate agent. I’m going to give you the mindset, plans, and steps to take so you can re-frame your thinking and take a new approach.When you follow the steps I’ve taken and laid out for you…you can make $30,000 to $50,000 in commission and a million dollars or more a year, just as easy as what you’re making now.

After all, if you’re selling real estate for a living, why settle for average? Why not sell the best houses, offer the best service, work with the best clients, and earn the best commissions?

Doesn’t it make more sense to sell 3 to 5 homes that can earn you a half million dollars in commissions...instead of selling 20 to 30 homes to make $100,000 a year, IF that. 

No doubt making more in less time allows you to spend more time with your family, spend more time off, and just relax and enjoy life.

Who This Message is For

If you make a living as a real estate agent and want to get out of the $5,000 to $10,000 commission range most realtors make…

If you want to start pulling in $30,000 to $50,000 commissions that come from selling higher end real estate… if you want to learn WHERE to find luxury homes to sell…

If you want to work with great buyers who are looking to spend millions on a luxury home or you want listings on million dollar homes so you earn commissions of $30,000 to $50,000 or more…

Here’s My Promise to You…

It’s to show you why it makes so much more sense to sell higher end, luxury real estate, so that your commissions quickly add up to the income you want.

If you follow my step by step strategy, I’ll show you how to make $30,000 to $50,000 in commissions when you list or sell a million dollar home. You can earn $300,000, $500,000, or even a million dollars a year in commissions earned.

Josh Flagg, Million Dollar Agent, Download Million Dollar Agent, Free Million Dollar Agent, Million Dollar Agent Torrent, Million Dollar Agent Review, Million Dollar Agent Groupbuy.