
Kelly Felix – Btf Gold

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Kelly Felix – Btf Gold

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Kelly Felix – Btf Gold

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The affiliate marketing: I will not pretend necessarily bring fresh is the best training ever created for affiliate marketing, if it is not, I want to know what it ‘ is.

This is because the fresh Bring contains behind the scenes secrets and strategies of tens of millions of dollars in the affiliate business that Mike and I have done over the last 10 years, including the true stories behind the Rich Jerk and major launches such as StomperNet $ 14 million dollar a day.

These stories have never been told! We also go behind the scenes in the creation of other companies such as powered Affiliate Traffic Secrets and Product Launch Formula.

-)— SEO:

I walk you through exactly how my last site gets visitors from 60K in the last 30 days – and it’s absolutely free, targeted traffic resulting numbers in my monthly income jump 1500%.

I describe as my my rinse and repeat the process to get my niche sites ranked on the first page of Google for my main keyword, usually within 7-10 days. My markets are revealed, and other markets to competition completely undeveloped or less are identified.

-)— Product Creation:

Throughout” soft” Bring we are transparent about how we create our videos and why we do the movements we make. We also undertake several training segments for the ins and outs of product creation – how we have created products in the past, and how we do it now.

-)— Writing:

Most of the companies that we have built and helped build were driven by great literature. Bring the fresh is packed with writing movements that have contributed to our success. We pay attention not only to share how we wrote and acted in the past, but also how we do it now.

-)— Infrastructure:

This was one of our heavier focus the entire series of video training – on the way we deal with bullying infrastructure. This is because we have heard many people that one of the main reasons why they get stuck with online marketing is a sense of the technology surrounding bullying.

Mike and I have done everything that” technology” for the” soft” Bring without outsourcing anything.

Even if you are already strong on infrastructure in many areas, you will likely take at least several tips that will save you time and you develop the skills and ability to deliver value to your customers.

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