
lilliantoofengshuiforrealestate – Lillian Too – Feng Shui For Real Estate Success

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lilliantoofengshuiforrealestate – Lillian Too – Feng Shui For Real Estate Success

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Hi, it’s Lillian Too here

All through my life I have been buying property and selling property. I find that my knowledge of feng shui gives me some kind of insurance knowing that whatever I buy can easily be sold or resold again. And for sure this house that I built, the house that I live in today is a house built with good feng shui.

You see, despite what some people would like you to believe… feng shui really does work… and it doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, more and more luxury real estate is being sold today by agents using the ancient art of feng shui. There are some extremely potent formulas that can help you sell a house quickly (despite the market) or find a home most suited to you, your client or your entire family. In fact, what you think may be a perfect house for you, might actually be one that will cause much distress, loss of income and unhappiness in the future. So you simply must know how to get it right.

The basic principles of feng shui have not changed for thousands of years… and are still practiced by Asian land developers, real estate agents and everyday homebuyers and sellers throughout the world today. There is no reason you should not know and use these secrets of real estate success…  just as they do. The feng shui knowledge you will possess at the end of this course is something that will continue to serve you throughout your life.

If you are a realtor in the business of buying and selling property for your clients or if you are someone trying to sell your home and/or purchase a new residence, if you are an investor and want to flip houses… or if you are simply looking for an apartment to rent, then my new “Feng Shui For Real Estate Success” is a practical online course that you need and it will be of great benefit to you. Believe me, knowing what I am about to teach you will definitely give you the edge on any upcoming real estate transactions… whether you are buying or selling!

Why Do You Need To Know Feng Shui?The most important thing I want you to know is that the feng shui principles taught in this course can be practiced in the context of modern single family homes, apartments in large cities, condominiums, rural homes and commercial real estate buildings. Everything that we cover in this course can be applied to all types of residences and buildings.

If you want to buy or sell any property you must know Feng Shui. When you buy the right house that has good feng shui, it is very easy to live in that house. You’ll be happy, things will go smoothly for you and obstacles and illness are not frequent occurrences. Your marriage becomes happier or your love life improves, your children grow up to be nice people… and your career takes off. It may not happen immediately… but these are the benefits of good feng shui. By learning the simple principles that I outline in this course, you can confidently recommend the right home to your buyer. And a house with good feng shui is always much easier to sell!

However, if you are unaware of certain feng shui taboos then all kinds of misfortune can occur… serious problems… believe me I have seen it happen time and time again. And the sad thing is that it is usually totally avoidable! If you make your living buying and selling real estate or you are simply searching for a new home you must know what to look out for… and be able to warn your clients as well.

None of this could have happened without feng shui….

You see, I never would have made it to Harvard Business School or become the first woman managing director of the sixth largest bank in Hong Kong… or started my own online business with my daughter Jennifer (at exactly the right time) or written my first best selling book on feng shui (over 600,000 copies sold in a few months) if I had not utilized my knowledge of feng shui.

And one thing I know for sure: I have the best job in the world because I help people like you improve their lives everyday! Nothing makes me happier than knowing you are making the right decision when you buy or recommend a particular property… or that you used one of my potent real estate suggestions to sell your home at top price in a less than robust market!

Unleash the Hidden Powers
of Feng Shui Quickly and Easily

There are certain fundamental concepts in real estate feng shui that you need to know. Once you have the fundamental knowledge you can go deeper to really fine-tune your feng shui… but honestly if you just get the basics down that I teach in this course you will do wonderfully well!

Get Your House Ready For Sale…
And Sell It QUICKLY!

Once we’ve covered the fundamentals in the first four modules, you’ll learn what you need to do to get your home ready to put on the market. In addition to a good cleaning and the usual cosmetic touch ups, there are certain cosmic rituals that will definitely enhance the sale.

Let me explain first that there are three dimensions to feng shui. There is the space dimension – what exists all around us – the landscape features, the neighborhood, your environment and surrounding area. Then there is time dimension – the changing energy and life cycles of feng shui that you must understand that significantly affect when you buy or sell a piece of property – the question of timing is very important. And the third dimension is the spiritual dimension, because yes there are what I call “cosmic rituals” that will actually help you get the house ready for sale!


SPECIAL TIP! AN ANCIENT TAOIST RITUAL THAT ALWAYS BRINGS A GOOD BUYER!Lillian teaches a very powerful cosmic ritual that always gets a house to sell. It’s called the Red Packet ritual and all you need is a red packet (like those given on Chinese New Year) a few things from your garden and some coins. In this course she explains exactly what to do and how to do it… and it’s very easy!

I have given this tip to so many people and guess what? Our success rate is 100 percent! It really works all the time.”

These magical tips and rituals for getting your house ready for sale really work… and there’s no reason you shouldn’t be using them every day… whether you are a real estate agent helping your client or selling your home on your own. These are potent selling enhancers that really work… and imagine how impressed your clients will be when you share these secrets with them!


You’ll instantly receive Lillian’s 6-course module, which is fully accessible for later study and review! When you sign up today you’ll also receive the following special bonuses!

Special Bonus Pack Sent Directly To You!

  • Free copy of “Chant A Mantra”.
  • Lillian Too’s Year of the Monkey Almanac AND Diary absolutely FREE!
  • Future Discounts on all of Lillian Too’s courses.

But what’s wrong with that? It costs you nothing and it makes for a more fortunate and good life… and it makes you and your clients happy. That is what living with good feng shui is all about… and why it is very important to observe these very special rituals! The spiritual aspects of feng shui give great potency to all of these practices because spiritual feng shui is what empowers the actions that you take.Now you may say this is all very
superstitious and indeed it is!

This is the ultimate way to learn the basics of real estate feng shui on line. Everyone will benefit from this course – it’s perfect for those with little or no feng shui knowledge and for those who have studied with me before! You don’t have to understand every single intricacy of feng shui to get started. However you do need to get it right and Lillian shows how easy it is in this online course.

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