Henry Montgomery – How Professionals Make Decisions


Henry Montgomery – How Professionals Make Decisions

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Henry Montgomery – How Professionals Make Decisions

Henry Montgomery - How Professionals Make Decisions

This volume is the fruit of the 5th conference on Naturalistic Decision Making which focused on the importance of studying people who have some degree of expertise in the domain in which they make decisions. The substantive concerns pertain to how individuals and groups make decisions in professional and organizational settings, and to develop suitable methods for studying these questions rigorously.

This volume appeals to practitioners in business and government, as well as academics and students who are interested in naturalistic decision making. Henry Montgomery – How Professionals Make Decisions

About the Author

Sy Montgomery is a naturalist, author, documentary scriptwriter, and radio commentator who writes for children as well as adults. Among her award-winning books are “The Good Good Pig, Journey of the Pink Dolphins”, “Spell of the Tiger”, and “Search for the Golden Moon Bear”. She has made four trips to Peru and Brazil to study the pink dolphins of the Amazon; and on other expeditions, she was chased by an angry silverback gorilla in Zaire; bitten by a vampire bat in Costa Rica; undressed by an orangutan in Borneo; and hunted by a tiger in India. She also worked in a pit crawling with eighteen thousand snakes in Manitoba; handled a wild tarantula in French Guiana; and swum with piranhas, electric eels, and dolphins in the Amazon. Research for this book included travel to China and Mongolia to see the latest discoveries of giant bird fossils, and to Australia to see the most dangerous birds in the world. She lives in New Hampshire.

Raanan Lipshitz is Associate Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology, University of Haifa. He is Senior Editor, Organization Studies (SAGE). Professor Lipshitz specializes in organizational psychology, organizational learning, and decision making. He has written numerous articles for publications such as Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Management Studies, Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, Training & Development Journal, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, Organization Studies, Journal of Creative Behavior, Journal of Management Learning, The Learning Organization, and Behaviorial and Brain Sciences. He is co-editor of Brehmer, B., Lipshitz, R., & Montgomery, H. (Eds.), (forthcoming) How Do Professionals Make Decisions? Mahaw, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Henry Montgomery – How Professionals Make Decisions

KEVIN BURNS is the founder of Tracemasters, Inc., of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a consulting organization specializing in network analysis and training. Kevin’s ten years of experience consist of the design, implementation, and analysis of various multi-protocol, multivendor networks. Additionally, he teaches the techniques discussed in this book in various seminar and corporate settings.

K. Anders Ericsson, PhD, is presently Conradi Eminent Scholar and Professor of Psychology at Florida State University. For the last thirty years he has studied the development of expert performance in domains such as music, chess, medicine, business, and sports, and how expert performers attain their superior performance by acquiring complex cognitive mechanisms and physiological adaptations through extended deliberate practice. He has edited several books on expertise, such as Toward a General Theory of Expertise (1991), The Road to Excellence: The Acquisition of Expert Performance in the Arts and Sciences, Sports, and Games (1996), and the influential Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance (2006). His research has been recently featured in New York Times, Scientific American, Fortune Magazine, New Scientist, and Time magazine. He is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association of Psychological Science, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Henry Montgomery – How Professionals Make Decisions

Gary Klein is a Senior Scientist at Applied Research Associates. He is the author of “Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions” (1999) and the coauthor of “Working Minds: A Practitioner’s Guide to Cognitive Task Analysis” (2006), both published by the MIT Press.

McLennan is an ardent fly-fisher, outdoor writer, photographer, and river conservationist. He was one of the first fly-fishing guides on the Bow River, and in his 30 years of fishing the river he has seen its reputation grow to international status. He is an active member of Trout Unlimited Canada and was a founding director of both the Edmonton and Calgary chapters of the organization.

VIT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Ltd.

Barry Peterson was born and raised near Chicago and immigrated to Canada in the 1960s. He completed his BA and Masters in Social Work and worked in the field for several decades. During this time he studied photography at the Ontario College of Art and exhibited in Winnipeg, Toronto and Vancouver. He also started his own freelance photography business, was a founding member of two artist run galleries in Winnipeg and has taught photography. He exhibited On the Edge: Putting a Face on Homelessness, 2009-11. Barry lives in Comox B.C.

John Sterman (Lexington, MA) teaches at the Sloan School of Management and direct MIT’s System Dynamics Group.

Diane Vaughan is professor of sociology and international and public affairs at Columbia University.

Waern is of Linkoping University, Sweden

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