
Price Action Room – The Scalper’s Boot Camp

$999.00 $69.97

Price Action Room – The Scalper’s Boot Camp

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Price Action Room – The Scalper’s Boot Camp

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The Price Action Room is pleased to announce a recording of an intensive three day workshop dealing with scalping the futures markets. Our mission is always to deliver more than you pay for, and this event was no exception.

The goal was to teach all attendees a standalone method of trading that requires no other trading plan or methods.

For many years, I have felt that it was very difficult for most individuals to learn to scalp from the tape or even read the order flow – it simply moved too fast for most people to keep up.
This has all changed. The recordings are sharp and crisp, the screen sharing is almost real-time.

We now have the ability to pause the action even in a live market feed to point out subtle changes in the instrument.

And new developments in programming have made learning to scalp from the tape within reach of most dedicated traders.
During the live workshop, we thoroughly explained how a professional scalper would work from the tape, the DOM.

Three different perspectives, three different methods of reading order flow. Entries, exits, targets, stops – it’s all in here. Methodology, setups, suggestions on which markets tend to be the easiest, which are the hardest, and why.

Live analysis of current conditions, participation in calling entries by the attendees, live demonstrations of how to stay on the right side of the market. The proper way to adjust when the market changes, or when you move to a new instrument.

In short, everything you would need to start on your journey to becoming a successful scalper was addressed.
In addition to the training sessions, you will also receive a copy of our newest tape reading video: “Scalping for Income” – this video contains over four hours of recorded trades and scalping sessions in the ES, NQ.
While much of the focus is on scalping by reading order flow, the training sessions also demonstrate how to use the same techniques to drastically improve your existing entries and refine your own trading setups. In other words, while it is directed at scalpers, any intraday trader can benefit from the same techniques.

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