Reitrainers – Sean Flanagan – Pre-Vacant House Goldmine
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Here’s exactly what you’ll get when you invest in the Pre-Vacant House Goldmine today:
Module 1 – Getting Started With Pre-Vacant Houses

In this video training module, you’ll get a complete understanding of our Pre-Vacant House investing model. You’ll learn where to look, what to buy and what to avoid like the plague. Plus, we will take an in depth look at the best exit strategies for Pre-Vacant Houses. We’ll also show you exactly where to find the “low hanging fruit” that’s easy to make money on, then we will go through case studies to help you understand the ins and outs of structuring deals.
Module 2 – Goldmine #1 – The Wholesale Piggyback Hack

In this video we will break down the wholesale piggyback hack method for finding and profiting from pre-vacant houses. We will show you exactly how to get started quickly and we will breakdown our entire piggyback system here, including the magic letter we have developed, the follow up system and even the show you how to start making money using this technique in just a few days time. We go into detail on how to negotiate with the seller, plus we introduce you to a unique perspective on wholesaling pre-vacant houses.
Module 3 – Goldmine #2 – The Pre-Probate Hack

In this module, you’ll learn all about an insanely profitable public records hack that we’ve discovered which enables us to find houses BEFORE they go to probate, and before anyone else knows about them. We’ve put a ton of money in our pockets using this method and you can, too.
Module 4 – Goldmine #3 – The Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired Owner

In this video, we show you a totally different and unique way of targeting exhausted owners and landlords. We teach you a secret trick to finding pre-eviction deals which lead to huge paydays and we also go through more “live” training while we compile a highly targeted mailing list for free on the internet. This is a list that your competitors aren’t using, so it’s worth its weight in gold. We also break down another curiosity mailer which we developed that is so effective, it tripled our response rate. We go through our follow up systems, how to negotiate specifically with this type of seller and then introduce you to a follow up postcard we’ve nicknamed “The Closer” because of it’s proven track record of taking cold leads and converting them into deals. This isn’t your normal “we buy houses” postcard, it’s a mail piece which gets extremely good results, and of course we’re going to give you the templates to use all of our mail pieces in your market, too.
Module 5 – Goldmine #4 – The Great Gold Toss Method

In this video, we will cover a system we use to reach pre-vacant prospects for as little as 3 cents each. You’ll learn exactly which neighborhoods you should target, plus we will teach you about our “concrete sneak attack” when driving neighborhoods. The concrete sneak attack leads us to deals almost every time we use it. We will also take you on a car ride with us in this module, where we take you out in to the field and show you physical clues on houses and in neighborhoods which lead us to huge paydays. Then we will teach you step by step how to compile one of the most profitable mailing lists that you could ever dream of, then we will give you a magic curiosity letter which is written specifically for this list, along with the follow up postcard we use to maximize our results. Last, we will teach you exactly how we handle seller calls from the great gold toss method and then give you a blueprint for our follow up method, too.
Module 6 – Pre-Vacant House Case Studies

In this final video, we will bring it all together by teaching you based off of real pre-vacant house deals which we’ve done. We will break them down from beginning to end, so you understand exactly how to maximize your pre-vacant house profits.
The training that you’re going to get inside the Pre-Vacant house Goldmine will be like nothing you’ve ever seen before in the house flipping industry This is the only pre-vacant house blueprint on the market, because no one else knows about this stuff…
Get Instant Access to the Pre-Vacant Goldmine Training!
Inside this complete, video-based online course, you’ll also get access to…
- 6 jam-packed training modules which you can immediately access today and refer back to at any time in the future. In each module, you’ll learn a new aspect of the PRE-Vacant House Flipping strategies which no other investors know about…
- “over-the-shoulder” video trainings- each unveiling a new aspect of real estate investing, lead generation, marketing, and pre-vacant house strategies that put you light years ahead of the competition…
- Access to our ready-to-use resources – Just copy and paste our lead magnets, processes, and materials and replace our name with your name & sit back and collect your profits…
- Our Complete 4-Step, plug and play lead generation System – Our lead generation systems take nearly all the work out of finding pre-vacant houses & their owners and delivers the owners of the properties directly to you, BEFORE any other investors even know they exist…
- Downloadable marketing materials – You’ll get our curiosity mailers that consistently produce a 34% response rate, plus all of our follow up postcard templates. This isn’t some vast collection of strategies, based on theory, where you’ll have to “pick one” and pray that the phone rings. We’re only sharing the things that actually work, and work like gangbusters, for us in our personal pre-vacant house business. They’ll work for YOU, in your market, too…
- Previously unreleased strategies we’ve personally tested, tweaked and re-tested these strategies, so you don’t have to. We invented them out of necessity and then used them to pole vault our real estate business from nothing, to quickly doing deals with as much as $60k profit in them.
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