Robert Prechter – At the Crest of the Tidal Wave


Robert Prechter – At the Crest of the Tidal Wave

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Robert Prechter – At the Crest of the Tidal Wave

Robert Prechter - At the Crest of the Tidal Wave


Just like Elliot Wave Principle, its super-bullish predecessor from 1978, this updated and abridged paperback version of At the Crest of the Tidal Wave presents a scenario that appears too dramatic and specific to be more than unfounded conjecture. However, the author’s forecasting toll is again the only one that has proved its value in addressing future market probabilities. The result is social science at its best.

If even half of the author’s forecasts come to pass, the world of finance just a few years hence will be immeasurably different from what it is today. Using the same precise approach that he employed a month after the 1982 low at Dow 777 to forecast a great bull market that would carry the Dow Industrial Average to near 4000, Robert Prechter now calls for slow motion economic earthquake that will register 11 on the financial Richter scale. The Great Assert Mania of recent years is in its final euphoric months, he says, and the next event will be a collapse of historic proportion.

If you are already well versed in the Wave Principle and prepared for the change that is coming, then ignore this book. If you are not, then devour it cover from cover. Be prepared for a shift in the tectonic plates that make up your mind’s notions about financial causality. Above all, get ready for a violent shaking of your faith in conventional economic wisdom.

Table of Contents


Introductory Note


Chapter 1: Perspective


Elliott Wave Analysis

Chapter 2: Patterns and Their Implications

Chapter 3: The Inflation-Adjusted Dow

Chapter 4: Comments on the Ultimate Price Peak

Chapter 5: Expectations for the Great Bear Market

Technical Analysis

Chapter 6: Momentum Considerations

Chapter 7: Investor Psychology: Valuation

Chapter 8: Manifestations of Investor Psychology

Chapter 9: The Role of Fundamentals


Chapter 10: The Economy

Chapter 11: The Monetary Outlook

Chapter 12: High Grade Bonds

Chapter 13: How to Handle the Coming Environment

Appendix A: A Capsule Summary of the Wave Principle

Appendix B: The Message from Fixed Time Cycles

Appendix C: Illustrations Updated Through June 1997



Author Information

Robert R. Prechter, Jr. is author of several books on the market and editor of two monthly forecasting publications, The Elliott Wave Theorist and Global Market Perspective. During the 1980s, Robert Prechter’s market calls were so consistently accurate that in December 1989, Financial News Network named him ‘Guru of the Decade’. In 1990-1991 he served as President of the Market Technicians Association. In the 1990s, Mr Prechter has developed Elliott Wave International into a 24-hour analysis and forecasting firm that services institutional and private investors around the world. EWI provides long-term as well as on-line intraday analysis covering stock markets, currencies, interest rates, key commodities and social trends that is available via Bloomberg, Bridge, Dow Jones, DTN, Reuters, and the Internet. Mr. Prechter attended Yale University on a full scholarship and graduated in 1971 with a degree in psychology. He began his career as a Technical Market Specialist with the Merrill Lynch Market Analysis Department in New York City.

Reviews  Robert Prechter – At the Crest of the Tidal Wave

“There is an old Arab proverb which says that “When you go shopping for wisdom, visit every tent in the bazaar.” When Robert Prechter published his first book in 1978 predicting the super bull market of the 1980’s, only a very few people visited his tent. I hope more people visit his tent today, in order to understand the financial, economic and social implications of At the Crest of the Tidal Wave.”, Marc Faber, , Faber Ltd, Hong Kong#”Robert Prechter and R.N. Elliot will be remembered as the two greatest social scientists of this century for their understanding of mass psychology, markets and the economy.”, Donald Evans, President, FX500 Money Management#”The icy logic and stunning originality with which Prechter predicts the impending death of our Grand Bull Market make At the Crest of the Tidal Wave eminently worthy of attention. But the fact that years ago this author virtually stood alone in prophesying the birth of this very same bull market renders his current vision absolutely indispensable to serious investors.

“, Paul Macrae Montgomery , , Legg Mason Wood Walker#”Recently I finished reading for the third time Charles Mackay’s classic, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, first published in 1841. Not much has changed, and here we are at yet another turning point in history… At the Crest of the Tidal Wave probably will join Mackay’s famous book as one of the most prescient of the past 175 years.”, Charles Allmon, President , Growth Stock Outlook#”At the Crest of the Tidal Wave is a brilliant and important piece of long wave research with potentially devastating investment implications for the future.”, Paul Tudor Jones II, President, Tudor Investment Corp#”The scholarly discipline, ultra long-term historical perspective, and topical diversity of Robert Prechter’s discerning At the Crest of the Tidal Wave will challenge all serious investors to re-examine today’s “buy and hold” mantra.”, Henry Van der Eb, Chairman, Mathers Fund#


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