Stephen Haseler – SuperState


Stephen Haseler – SuperState

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Stephen Haseler – SuperState

Even before Donald Rumsfeld’s infamous “”Old Europe”” gibe, Europe’s divergence from America on issues like war with Iraq and trade competition has become increasingly ill-tempered. With the Euro successfully launched and a European army a real prospect, Europe is now a recognizable political entity on the world scene. A population of over 300 million and the world’s largest economy have already turned the EU into a super-power, but it is now on the verge of being a super-state. Haseler examines why the new European super-state has emerged, how it will inevitably rival the United States and how America is reacting to this new world player. Super-Stateexplores what this new EU super-state means for the citizens of Europe and their attitudes to America, looking specifically at how a eurosceptic Britain will fit into this new structure.

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