Stephen T.Welstead – Neural Netwrok and Fuzzy Logic Aplicantions in C C++


Stephen T.Welstead – Neural Netwrok and Fuzzy Logic Aplicantions in C C++

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Stephen T.Welstead – Neural Netwrok and Fuzzy Logic Aplicantions in C C++

Using an engineering and science perspective, it explores diverse neural network, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm techniques plus developing applications best suited for each of the methods discussed. Sample results are described and judgment made as to how well each application worked. The book/disk set includes an object-oriented user interface along with the code for numerous programs.
Product Identifiers
ISBN-10 0471309745
ISBN-13 9780471309741
Key Details
Author Stephen T. Welstead
Number Of Pages 494 pages
Format Paperback
Publication Date 1994-07-13
Language English
Publisher Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
Additional Details
Edition Number 1
Copyright Date 1994
Illustrated Yes
Weight 36 Oz
Height 1.2 In.
Width 9.6 In.
Length 12.2 In.
Target Audience
Group Trade
Classification Method
LCCN 93-048548
LC Classification Number QA76.87.W42 1994
Dewey Decimal 006.302855133
Dewey Edition 20
Table Of Content
Table Of Content Programming Preliminaries. The User Interface. FEEDFORWARD NETWORKS. Feedforward (Backpropagation) Networks. Pattern Classification. Chaos and Neural Networks. Financial Forecasting: Predicting Interest Rates. A Control Problem: Balancing a Broom. Genetic Optimization and Other Advanced Training Methods. OTHER NEURAL NETWORKS. Hopfield Networks. Self-Organizing Networks. FUZZY LOGIC. Fuzzy Logic Control. Fuzzy Genetic Modeling. Appendices. Index.


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