
Tai Lopez – Private Mentor Conference

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Tai Lopez – Private Mentor Conference

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Tai Lopez – Private Mentor Conference

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Learn How to Find Your Destiny

Who: Tai Lopez, Dr. David Buss, Joel Salatin, Neil Patel, Jaiden Gross
What: Tai Lopezs Private Mentor Conference
Where: Los Angeles, CA
When: Saturday, January 20, 2018, 7am-10pm
7am-10am: Registration*
9am-10:30am: VIP Pre-session
11am-2pm: Session 1
2pm-3:30pm: Diamond Lunch
3:30pm-7pm: Session 2
7pm-10pm: Session 3

Im bringing in business mentors of mine and well all talk about building businesses with over 1 million customers; what I learned from my business mentors traveling the world on how they built companies from scratch that are now worth over $100 million

This will be a jam-packed day of knowledge and insight I promise you have never heard anywhere. And being held in Los Angeles, I am sure a few big name business celebrities will pop in and say hello.

The secret to building successful businesses is the ability to identify trends and do what I call “trend stacking”. Last years trends dont work anymore. Thats why you need to be able to learn how to see them for yourself and jump on the opportunities when they present themselves.

Thats what these conferences are for. Meeting like-minded people, sharing insights, and learning about new trends before they even blow up. Combine what you learn from the millionaire speakers on stage with what you hear from networking with other people who have started their businesses and youll walk away with new ideas, insights, and motivation to continue building your business and working towards The Good Life.

I dont hold these in-person conferences at this affordable price very often.

Nowadays I charge over $10,000/hour just for one-on-one consulting.

This is an opportunity you must take if you are available to make it out. Youll regret it if you miss out on this, because theres no guarantee Ill have another event like this anytime soon.

Go ahead and click the button to get to the next page and save your spot before seats run out.

I only do a limited number of live events every year and most of the time, you need to pay $5,000-$10,000 to even apply before actually getting in.

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