
Simplertrading – Trading Iron Condors for Income on Stocks

$197.00 $33.97

Simplertrading – Trading Iron Condors for Income on Stocks

Original Sales Price: $197

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Simplertrading – Trading Iron Condors for Income on Stocks

Sale Page: simplertrading

What will you learn?

  • What stocks work best for MONTHLY income using iron condors, and how to find the good stocks and avoid the bad stocks.
  • When to put on the trade, and when to take off the trade for maximum profit while limiting your risk.
  • When to adjust the trade, and how to adjust using Bruce’s adjustment techniques.
  • How to avoid the most common mistakes people make when trading iron condors.
  • How to master the trade set-up, and managing the life cycle of the trade.

Course Breakdown

    • Strategy Session: 2 hours and 7 minutes

About the Content Providers:

  • About Bruce: Bruce is our Income Trading Specialist and devoted mentor. After spending many years on Wall Street managing institutional and retail accounts, we are lucky to have him trading in our Gold room most days. Bruce’s style is very versatile. Great for beginners, because he makes sure to give detailed explanations and also for experienced traders who are looking for new ideas. If you have a full-time job and can’t sit in front of the computer and watch markets all day, this is a great trading style for you.

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