
Dan Kennedy – Event Hacks

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Dan Kennedy – Event Hacks

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Dan Kennedy – Event Hacks

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Dear Savvy Entrepreneur or Business Owner, Listen, it’s hard to attract top-quality customers these days. Sure, there are new ways to get customers through social media, Facebook and text messages, but you tend to get a “mixed bag” of customers.

Some of them are motivated at getting results and will invest a lot of money with you through your high-ticket packages, but most of them aren’t serious, are price-resistant and will eventually leave you – perhaps to go to a competitor.

That leaves you constantly having to invest your valuable marketing dollars to replace the customers who left you. Plus you have to go through the PAIN of filtering out the good, motivated customers.and “throwing out” all the duds because you don’t have a system for separating your ideal, “slam dunk” customers from the rest.

But what if you possessed a time-tested and proven “secret strategy” that automatically attracts the “top 1%” of customers who are motivated to get results, forms a “virtual fence” around them so that they’ll never leave you, and easily moves them to your high-ticket packages without any buying resistance?

It’s All About Putting On LIVE Events – The Secret

“X-Factor” That GKIC Has Been Using For The Past 27 Years To Influence, Impact And Retain Customers

You see, putting on a LIVE event – whether it’s a large seminar, a small workshop, an intimate retreat, or something in between – is the most powerful marketing strategy you could possibly have in your arsenal.

For example, it enables you to quickly ascend your customers and clients into your high-priced programs. We regularly use our annual SuperConference?, Info-SUMMIT?, and our Fast Implementation Bootcamps to “move” our customers into our $12,000-and-up Coaching and Mastermind groups.

This would be virtually impossible if we ran things from a distance and stuck with the usual marketing tactics like email, social media, webinars, and direct mail.

Plus putting on LIVE events allows you to create better customers. A customer is far more likely to stay beyond a year, beyond two years, and beyond three years vs. if they just heard from you just through email, livecasts and social media.

For example, our “lifers” – people who have been with us for 5, 10, 15 even 20 years – have all attended our live events early on, and continue to attend them frequently.

Why? Because holding a live event allows your customers to get close to you and “bond” with you and your brand. This is a level of interaction and intimacy that simply cannot be replicated with livecasts, webinars, emails, and social media.

Event Hacks contains the keys to kingdom when it comes to planning, filling, and monetizing a powerhouse event.

You’ll discover our EXACT blueprint-including action plans, budget worksheets, marketing strategies, and monetization strategies it would otherwise take you years to create and “figure out” on your own.

This is the official playbook we use every 2-3 months to fill our SuperConference?, Info-SUMMIT?, and Fast Implementation Bootcamps, that you can easily “copy and paste” for your own events. In other words, we’ve already done most of the “hard work” for you – just use what we’ve already invested years and millions of dollars to test, tweak and refine.

Imagine what it would be like to have a roomful of your “raving fans” who traveled either across town or across the country to see you. Just imagine how much bigger your bank account will look once you pulled off a blockbuster event.

And think about the “unfair advantage” you’ll get over your competitors who don’t have these proven Event Hacks – who aren’t going to add live events to their market mix.

You’ll be able to enjoy a pleasant, worry free, stress-free business life because you’ll have the most powerful marketing tool you’ll ever have that’ll allow you to get, retain, influence and “weed out” your top 1% customers from the rest of the pack.

.something that is almost impossible with practically any other marketing method!

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