
Derek Pierce – Seo Black Ops

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Derek Pierce – Seo Black Ops

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Derek Pierce – Seo Black Ops

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Module # 1: Finding a Niche

This module includes 3 videos that show you the “Right” way to find a profitable niche to go after. This is the foundation and I show you strategies for finding red hot markets with buyer intent that I’ve never seen anyone else share

After watching, you’ll know exactly what keywords to target.

Module# 2: How to Uncover High Authority Aged Domains.

This module consists of 3 videos where I show you exactly what to look for when buying aged domains and howto avoid any pitfalls.

You’ll see my exact techniques for buying sites for my network as well as for buying for my money site.

Nothing is left out

Module # 3: Getting Content

This training i show you where to get content for your money sites as well as foryourblog network.

I show you where l’m getting content on the cheap as well as we begin setting up your very first tier 1 site.

Module # 4: Site Setup

This module consist of 4 videos where I reveal how to properly setup your site in such a way that Google loves

When done properly, it takes even less backlinks to rank your site. As you?ll see in this case study our site has already began to rank with no content.

I show you how to setup your site in such a way that?s Google friendly so that when you start sending backlinks your site will soar

Module # 5: Setup Of Tier 1

This module consist of 3 videos showing you exactly how to setup your tier 1 site and how to make your first posts across your network using the BOS plugin.

I also show you a super cool, free resource to search and reserver your keywords across social networks.

Module # 6: Multi- Tiered Linking

This module consist of 5 videos showing you how l’m supplementing my blog network links with links from web 2.0 sites.

Plus, much more

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