Granville Cooley – The Patterns of Gann


Granville Cooley – The Patterns of Gann

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Granville Cooley – The Patterns of Gann

Granville Cooley - The Patterns of Gann

I have written this material over a period of years. When I make reference to a recent date it might be several years ago when I was writing the material. There is no right way or wrong way to read this material as for as the order is concerned. I started writing as ideas came to me and as I made discoveries in the Gann material. So, each book pretty much stands alone. You can start with any book you like. At the end of each chapter you will find a link to the next chapter. There is also a link back to the book you are in as you might want to go back and reread another chapter in the book. There is also a link to the main page where you can select another book. A little experimenting and you will get the idea. As I said above, each book pretty much stands alone and you might want to read them in the order in which they were written. However some of the material is related in certain cases and you might want to read “On the Square,” “The Triangular Numbers,” “The Hexagon and the Cubes,” and “Gann’s Magic Square” in that order in order to understand the material in “Gann’s Magic Square.” Although they stand alone you might want to read the material on the planets together.

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