
Life Coach Certification Masterclass – Coaching Certificate

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Life Coach Certification Masterclass – Coaching Certificate

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Life Coach Certification Masterclass – Coaching Certificate

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Dear friend,

If you want to become a highly paid certified life coach (and have a lot of fun in the process) this is probably the best course you’ll consume this year.

Wait, before we continue…

Please understand that my results are not typical. I’ve been at this for more than 6 years and I have a bit of advantage as a result. I am not claiming you will become a successful life coach over night. This stuff takes hard work and a lot of practice. If you are looking for a “pill” to become successful I’m not your guy. Better to know this than be disappointed later.


If you want to help a lot of people, earn a good salary and have the freedom you’ve always dreamed about, sit tight and get ready! You are about embark on the greatest journey of your life..

The journey of becoming a highly paid life coach.

The truth is that being a life coach is probably the best job in the world, you get to do what you love, help a lot of people in the process and make a lot of money from it. What’s even better, you can work from anywhere in the world, have a lot of fun and choose only the people you want to work with.

The days of doing meaningless work are over!

At last, you don’t need to do the work that you don’t like, work like a slave for somebody else or get stuck into a boring job. Being a life coach is transforming for you and also for your clients. Helping people motivates, inspires and energizes you every day.


First off, this isn’t your typical “course” by some faceless entity thrown together just to make a quick buck – in fact, it’s the exact opposite. I’ve helped thousands of people, been featured on TV, popular blogs, got millions of views for my videos and I was even invited by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) to hold a training event for their coaches.

And what’s even better – I’m barely charging for my course.

I usually sell this information for thousands of dollars.

My course “Life Coach – Certification Masterclass” is filled with applicable concepts that bridge effective coaching, marketing, sales, and business strategies into an enlightening and practical way for becoming a successful life coach. It’s distilled from a decade of actual experience and results.


A Certification For Life Coaching

A Complete Understanding Of How Life Coaching Works

The Most Effective Business Model For Life Coaching

How To Discover What You Are Passionate About So You Coach People In That Area

Why Life Coaching Is the Best Business To Start Right Now

How To Actually Help People And Make A Lot Of Money From It

How To Upgrade Your Mindset So You Don’t Self-Sabotage

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