
Mike Rohde – The Sketchnote Handbook Video

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Mike Rohde – The Sketchnote Handbook Video

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Mike Rohde – The Sketchnote Handbook Video

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This captivating video tells the story of sketchnotes–why and how you can use them to capture your thinking visually, remember key information more clearly, and share what you’ve captured with others.

Designer Mike Rohde, who coined the term sketchnoting to describe his visual note-taking process, shows you how to incorporate sketchnoting techniques into your own note-taking process.

Regardless of your drawing ability (or inability!) you’ll learn how to draw as you listen to better process the information you’re hearing and to actually have fun taking notes.

Rohde addresses most people’s fear of drawing by showing, step-by-step, how to quickly draw people, faces, type, and simple objects for effective and fast sketchnoting.

By the end of this video, you’ll be itching to attend a meeting just so you can draw about it.

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