
MTPREDICTOR (X32-X64) (MAR 2017)

$1,900.00 $295.00

MTPREDICTOR (X32-X64) (MAR 2017)

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MTPREDICTOR (X32-X64) (MAR 2017)

Sale Page : mtpredictor

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Program Features

Find trade setups fast and easily with the new-look Scanner. Scan all your markets for automatic MTPredictor TS1/2/3/4/DP and VS, setups of which the TS1, TS3 and TS4 also have a Holy Grail variation as well as Elliott wave patterns.

Plot Charts directly or from the Scanner, then Analyse your charts with our pre-built tools. Automatic setups are found and displayed on your charts for you.

Tabs, Workspaces and Layouts:

Organise your charts and Scanners in the way you wish.

Multi monitor Support:

Drag individual charts and Scanners as well as complete Workspaces onto separate monitors.

Includes many standard technical analysis indicators as well as Fibonacci tools.

Numerous data choices, including IQFeed, BarChart, FXCM and eSignal real-time data as well as MetaStock and ASCII format EOD data files.

Analysis Features

The automatic MTPredictor set-ups (TS1/TS2/TS3/TS4/DP and VS as well as the Holy Grail variations) are displayed on the charts automatically.

Quick Analysis of the Automatic setups, including full Position Sizing and Risk control.

Manual Wave Price Target (WPT) support and resistance levels for the set-up, projected profit targets for the trade, full Risk/Reward analysis AND position-sizing are also available on the Charts themselves.

Historical Trade Analysis – learn from past signals, using our history signals.

Manual WPT module – Project “in advance” future support and resistance zones based on a manual Elliott Wave count.
Manual Decision point (DP) tool – Project “in advance” future support and resistance zones
Elliott Wave tool – find additional set-ups on your charts using MTPredictor’s unique “Isolation approach” to Elliott Wave Analysis.

System Requirements

MTPredictor 8 needs external Data (purchased from 3rd party sources separately), please see the MTP 8 Data pages for compatible data sources.
MTPredictor 8 need a Windows operating system, but can run on an iMac when using PC emulation software such as VMware
Memory: As Windows use at least 2GB of memory on its own, we recommend a PC with at least 4GB of Ram, and ideally 8GB (or more) is better for power users.

MTPREDICTOR (X32, X64) (MAR 2017), Download X64) (MAR 2017), Free X64) (MAR 2017), X64) (MAR 2017) Torrent, X64) (MAR 2017) Review, X64) (MAR 2017) Groupbuy.