Peter Eliades – Dynamic Time Cycles

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Peter Eliades – Dynamic Time Cycles

Peter George Eliades, Editor and Publisher, Peter Eliades’ Stockmarket Cycles

Born in Lowell, Massachusetts
Lowell High School
Harvard College A.B.
Boston University Law School, J.D. (Former member- Massachusetts Bar)
Married to Marie L. Eliades, M.A.. Peter and Marie have 3 adult children.

Peter graduated from Harvard College and Boston University Law School and passed the Massachusetts Bar. In 1967, he moved to Los Angeles. In 1968, with a lot of time and curiosity and a little money, Peter initiated his stock market studies. The motivation for those studies was a book on stock market cycles written by J. M. Hurst called, The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing. In 1972, he began his financial career as a stock broker. Peter never enjoyed sales, but he was promised he could make daily TV appearances and give market commentary if he became a broker. This appealed both to his “show-biz” side and his new-found love of market analysis, so he accepted the offer, and appeared as a stock market analyst on Los Angeles television station KWHY, the nation’s first financial TV station, for several years beginning in 1973.

Several times in the fall of 1974, in a market that had seen the average share of stock drop for almost 6 years since December 1968, he predicted on KWHY that a major market bottom would occur during the week of December 9-13, 1974. The exact Dow low of 570.01 occurred on December 9, 1974. As a result of that spectacular and well noted forecast, publication of Stockmarket Cycles began in July of 1975. In 1982, he began a long string of appearances on FNN, the nation’s first financial network. He made several notable forecasts on FNN, and his forecast for a very important market bottom on January 24, 1983, was widely noted for several weeks prior to that date.

On exactly January 24, 1983, the Dow ended a decline of over 8% and moved below the 1000 level for the last time prior to the start of what was a virtually uninterrupted 20 year run to the upside. There was an interruption of note in October 1987, of course. It was a 2 day crash of more than 28% intraday. In a subsequent report, the Wall St. Journal quoted Mark Hulbert as citing Stockmarket Cycles as one of the top two or three services in getting subscribers out of the market in a timely fashion before the crash.

Peter repeated that winning performance once again from June 1986 through June 1996. Over that 10 year period, Stockmarket Cycles’ Fidelity Select mutual fund portfolio was the leader by a very substantial margin over all the other rated mutual fund portfolios in the country. The September 1996 AAII Journal (American Association of Individual Investors) published a rating of the performance of 27 mutual fund portfolios from the country’s best known newsletter writers from June 1986 through June 1996. The average annual gain of the other 26 portfolios was 9.13%.

Stockmarket Cycles’ Fidelity Select Portfolio showed an annualized gain of 16.50%. The nearest competitor was at 12.49%. During the 2000-2003 bear market, Stockmarket Cycles performance was again #1 as tabulated by Hulbert with an annualized gain of 13.9% in the face of an S&P 500 loss of 43.4% from March 31, 2000-March 31, 2003. In the March 22, 1999 issue of Barron’s, Eliades wrote an article that was greeted by guffaws and ridicule by the great majority of analysts and investors. Just as the Dow was approaching 10,000 for the first time in history, Eliades stated it could be years, even a decade or more before 10,000 was breached significantly. The epilogue of that story is now history. In 2001, Peter was honored by the MTA (Market Technicians Association) with the prestigious Charles Dow Award for excellence and creativity in Technical Analysis.

Mr. Eliades was a regular weekly panelist on ABC Network’s weekly Sunday show, Business World in the 1990s, and has made frequent guest appearances on FNN, CNBC, Wall Street Week, Larry King Live, and Nightly Business Report. He has been featured in some of the nation’s most prestigious publications including Barron’s, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes among others, and in a cover story in Futures Magazine. He has authored articles several articles published in Barron’s. In recent years, Eliades has directed his attention to the development of trading systems, but has remained deeply involved with studying and developing technical indicators for analyzing the stock market. He is a gifted money manager, based on cyclic patterns in the market.

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