
Dan Kennedy – The Business Of Copywriting

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Dan Kennedy – The Business Of Copywriting

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Dan Kennedy – The Business Of Copywriting

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What excuses do you give for not being a more successful freelancer?

Not enough time. Not enough skill. People don’t appreciate your genius. You’re still developing your talent.

Whatever the excuses, if you’re ready to stow them, and move on to big league success, then Dan Kennedy is ready to lead the way.

You see, it’s not about talent. Or skill. Or time.

Freelance success is about business . specifically how you run your business.

If you are content with an ordinary, ‘small-time’ copywriting career, getting and doing jobs, and being paid by the job, and worrying and hustling over the next job, this isn’t for you.

BUT, IF YOU ARE READY TO RAPIDLY TRANSITION TO THE BIG LEAGUES . .AND ARE READY TO EMBRACE THIS AS A BUSINESS . then Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Business Academy is just what you need.

In this hard-hitting program, you’ll learn .

How to develop a BUSINESS around your copywriting skill . not a job, not a project, not a career . a BUSINESS.
A clear path to landing more clients, better clients, and bigger fees.
How to re-conceptualize what you do so that you attract success with less resistance than ever before.

How to find the Good-Enough spot in everything you do so that you are maximizing results and returns for your effort.
Different ways you can get paid and the benefits to each.
3 keys to gaining acceptance and payment from clients for the suggestions you make.

And so much more!

If you’ve ever wondered why your success as a copywriter hasn’t reached the levels you want, chances are you aren’t treating like a business. Now you can change all that with the proven strategies delivered to you in Dan Kennedy’s Business of Copywriting Academy.

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