
Educative – The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real World App from Scratch

$39.00 $11.97

Educative – The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real World App from Scratch.

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Educative – The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real World App from Scratch

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Javascript is one of the most prominent web programming languages that really made a difference. This course aims to be a useful companion for anyone wishing to (re)discover the many facets of JavaScript. Walk with us as we take you on a journey filled with all the wonders of Javascript including:

– Basics of JavaScript with ES6

– How to traverse the DOM?

– Modify Pages and handle events

– Animate elements You will also learn how to build a Social News web application from scratch using the three web technologies HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Before moving on to advanced concepts, we will go through the fundamentals to get a strong grip over the basics. You can also experiment with the code provided and hence, gain a higher understanding of how things work.

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn web development and get off to a good start in the JavaScript universe or catch up with its newest evolutions. Let’s walk this (JavaScript) way!

13 Recommendations The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real World App from Scratch

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Self-Paced Course

Numerous brain cycles were spent to make it:

  • Beginner-friendly yet comprehensive: From the very basics of programming up to front-end and back-end web development, a lot of topics are covered in a simple and accessible way. No prior knowledge needed!
  • Standards-aligned: The course is entirely written using the recent ES2015 syntax. From start to finish, it enforces good programming habits, embraces the ubiquitous JavaScript tools ESLint and Prettier and closely follows the popular AirBnb Style Guide.
  • Hands-on: No real learning happens without practicing! Each chapter is accompanied by a series of exercises to put your newly acquired skills into action. A three-part project will guide you in the creation of a social news web application (see it in action).
  • Easy to follow: Code along directly in your browser or build an efficient JavaScript development environment on your local machine.

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