
Nathan Barry – Authority

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Nathan Barry – Authority

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Nathan Barry – Authority

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So who’s behind this?

Hey, I’m Nathan Barry, a designer, developer, and author. In the last year I wrote The App Design Handbook and Designing Web Applications. Through writing and selling those two books I created the systems spelled out in Authority. My goal is to help other authors make a living from their writing.

I live in Boise, Idaho, but love to travel. You should follow me on Twitter (@nathanbarry) so we can meet up when I come to your city.

In less than a year I’ve made over $150,000 from self-published books. Plenty of my friends have made far more, all writing on topics so small and targeted a traditional publisher wouldn’t consider it. Many of them started—just like me—without an audience.

After hearing enough of these stories I can tell you they aren’t a fluke. With a good topic and the right marketing tactics you can make a living from teaching as well.

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