
Rob Hoffman – Using Robert’s Indicators

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Rob Hoffman – Using Robert’s Indicators 

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Rob Hoffman – Using Robert’s Indicators

This 3 hour course systematically looks at Roberts trading setup including all of his charts, actual indicators, the settings for each of the indicators, and thorough discussion of how he creates his well respected and critical support and resistance levels.

Topics and Tips Covered:

120 minute chart, Bollinger Band constriction and non conventional

15 minute charts and multiple time frame charts

20 MA, Bollinger bands, ADX, MACD, RSI and Macro trend

ADX – indicates strength of move not direction of trend

Calculating support and resistance levels

Daily chart, RSI

Divergance trading and MACD Non conventional approach

E mini, ES daily chart and DOW and Nasdaq daily chart

Edwards and McGee

Electronic trading, overnight trading and volume

eSignal Pro version

eSignal, VIX, VWAP setup and standard indicators

Fibanocci numbers

Floor pivots, DWM pivots and Fibinocci number

Higher time frame has more validity

Indicator listing with setups

Monthly S and P and RSI 14 period

Moving averages and MACD divergance

Moving averages and Speedlines

News media motives, flavor of the day, Crude oil and S & P chart

Overhaul indicators and MyPivots

Parabolic move – Crude oil – Price action only – ultra parabolic blowoff

Pay your dues vs indicators

Pivots, support and resistance levels

PP – Primary Pivot

Price Action vs others (Relative importance) and Indicators

Price Memory

Price Pivot points – V formations

Price touches

Primary screen view or cockpit and autopilot

Proprietary Indicators

Proshares, futures, options and futures tax advantages


RSI entry levels and non conventional approach

S and P futures trading switch and DOW indicator

Sceen layout, support resistance, ADX RSI, VIX etc

SPYder 10 minute chart and 190 period Simple MA

SSO and MA setup

Stock trading and YouTube videos, RSI MA MACD

Support and Resistance Bandwidth

Support and Resistance levels are drawn manually

Support and Resistance levels, Pivot points, WWW page — VERY IMPORTANT

Traders becoming investors

Trading channels

Trading hours webinar


VIX correlation to S and P trading (inverse relationship)

VWAP to determine support and resistance levels

YM Dow futures and Pivot Points – Primary Pivot of the day

Rob Hoffman, Using Robert’s Indicators, Download Using Robert’s Indicators, Free Using Robert’s Indicators, Using Robert’s Indicators Torrent, Using Robert’s Indicators Review, Using Robert’s Indicators Groupbuy.