
Robin Robins – Backup And Disaster Recovery Marketing System

$1,697.00 $220.97

Robin Robins – Backup And Disaster Recovery Marketing System.

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Robin Robins – Backup And Disaster Recovery Marketing System

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Sale Page : bdrinabox

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Get The BDR-In-A-Box Marketing System NOWThis Program Consists Of:

  1. A series of online training videos that will show you a formulaic process for marketing backup and disaster recovery solutions that has been tested and proven to work by other MSPs.
  2. Fill-in-the-blank marketing templates you can “cut and paste” to start attracting more and better quality clients.
  3. Access to a Members-Only portal that will enable you to post questions and engage in conversations with other smart, marketing-savvy MSPs about selling, pricing your services, vendors, operational issues and much, much more.

Here Are A Few Of The Marketing Templates And Tools You’ll Receive:

  • fill-in-the-blank marketing plan and checklist for launching your BDR service; this simple plan will take all the guesswork out of what to do, when to do it and in what order.
  • “Cut-and-paste” direct mail, e-mail and telemarketing templates you can instantly use to promote your backup service to both existing and NEW customers.
  • The “2-Hour Marketing Miracle” Lunch And Learn Seminar-In-A-Box that has already been created, tested, and proven to work. This single seminar has already generated from $30,000 to as much as $230,000 in new sales in a single afternoon. You’ll get everything you need to plan, promote and deliver a tremendously profitable lunch and learn session, including e-mails, direct mail, web forms, confirmation letters, a PowerPoint presentation and much more! This material ALONE is worth the entire program’s membership fee.
  • A “wedge” letter that will charm new clients away from your biggest competitors WITHOUT badmouthing them or doing anything unethical, backhanded or sneaky.
  • The results of our BDR survey; this document reveals which solutions and vendors most of your peers are selling, what services they are bundling together and how they are pricing it.
  • A word-for-word telemarketing script that will not only get you in the doors of more new clients but will also secure you appointments with C-level decision makers faster than anything you’ve ever tried before.
  • A web site marketing strategy that will put your company front and center for companies that are searching for backup and disaster recovery services RIGHT NOW, and will get them to eagerly give you their contact information.
  • White paper templates that you can modify and use to educate your prospects about your solution and make it very clear why they need to rip and replace their old tape or online back-up.
  • Ready-to-go articles on the subject of backup and disaster recovery that will be easy (and effective) filler for e-mail newsletters, press releases, blog postings and web content.
  • A complete word-for-word script you can use to overcome common sales objections and sell more BDR solutions. If you’ve ever been stumped by sales objections that you just couldn’t seem to overcome, this script will be a life-saver.

But, I Already Own The Toolkit…Why Would I Need This System?These are BDR specific marketing campaigns co-developed by some of our top clients who have used them successfully.

These specific campaigns are not included as part of the Toolkit program….

“Robin, when you tell us it’s important to deliver “extreme value” to our clients, you lead by example – and I want to thank you SO much for all you’ve done for IT guys like us.

I’ve been in the IT industry a long time, taking care of networks and selling IT services; but I can honestly say that I have learned more in these seven weeks in your program about marketing than over my entire career. My head is ready to explode, and I mean that as a compliment to you. I find myself listening to your programs multiple times in order to soak it all in; and every time I listen, I find a new idea or a key point that I missed before.

But most importantly, you’re 100% authentic. Some people might think you’re too direct, but I appreciate your candor and telling it like it is. There is so much value in what you do that I wanted to let you know and give you encouragement to keep doing what you’re doing. Thank you!”

Wally Moore, dts|infotech

“Robin’s system for using lunch and learn seminars is phenomenal. It instantly positions you as the ‘go-to’ expert and it’s one of the easiest ways to educate your clients and prospects about the services you have on a mass scale instead of selling one-on-one. So far we’ve generated $36,750 in new sales using this system.”

Linda Lynch, KI Technology

“We sent out just one of the BDR 3-step campaigns in this system to about 300 prospects and immediately generated 2 hot leads and ended up with a total of 50 leads overall. We’re still going through the leads but we’re confident we can close at least 70% based on interest, and the feedback we are getting has been GREAT!”

Lynda Wagner, NewTeq Computer Services

“I recently mailed out one of the ready-to-go sales letters from the BDR-In-A-Box system to 84 current clients and warm prospects regarding my BDR solution and received 18 responses after the FIRST letter.”

Howard Cunningham, Macro Systems, LLC

“In less than 15 minutes I composed and sent my first email to promote our BDR solution. Out of the 52 emails I sent, I received 15 responses. I have returned 8 of the calls and have sold 4 BDR solutions with offsite storage already, with 3 more that are still considering it (I expect 2 of them to close this week).”

Mark Marley, Network Computer Solutions, LLC

“I just signed a new customer on 3 BDR’s and a total managed care contract worth $10,000 per month. We are averaging one new contract per week – either a BDR or total managed care service, or a combo. Thanks!”

Tim Conkle, Roland Technology

“Thank you for your incredible BDR-In-A-Box product. It is EXTREMELY resourceful and is providing us with lots of ways to ensure our upcoming ‘lunch-and-learn’ generates more leads.”

Wendy Gaunt, CIO Services

“I’ve only begun to implement one of the sections in this system and have already seen tremendous value. I also learned a strategy about how to describe our BDR services to clients so that they can truly see the value of everything we do. It was great to see our services “unpacked” like that. We now have $4,000-$6,000 of BDR recurring revenue already in the pipeline, and this material has helped us bring in more business with our existing clients. Can’t wait to see the other sections!”

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