
Danny Iny – Course Builder´s Laboratory

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Danny Iny – Course Builder´s Laboratory

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Danny Iny – Course Builder´s Laboratory

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Danny Iny – Course Builder´s Laboratory

More Than Just A Training…

All the Coaching and Support You Need to Launch Your First Successful Online Course, or Double Your Money Back – Guaranteed!

Join the Program That Has Graduated
More Successful Course Creators Than Any Other…

93% of Online Entrepreneurs
Can’t Be Wrong…
Danny Iny

There’s something magical about the idea of taking the knowledge and expertise you’ve worked hard to acquire, and using it to create a “perfect day” lifestyle for yourself…

A lifestyle where you get to spend your time doing as you please.

A lifestyle where you’re positively impacting hundreds and thousands of people, by empowering them to achieve the outcomes they desire in life through an online training course.

And doing so in a way that also earns you a handsome living, where you’re not required to put in those long, hard hours just to give yourself a more comfortable lifestyle.

One of the most significant changes we’ve witnessed in the past couple of years is course building taking center stage as the legitimate, mainstream method for building an online business.

The value of the online education market has continued the rising trend we’ve seen over the past 5 years – to the point where it’s now projected to hit $241 billion by 2022.
Someone is Definitely Making Money
With Online Education!

You just need to look around to see that courses are surfacing in just about *every* industry.

Venture capital firms are investing hundreds of millions of dollars into online learning, as big companies are jumping in because they see the $241 billion online education opportunity for what it is…

…a doorway into the $5 trillion dollar global education market!

Now, while all these big numbers are good indicators of the legitimate business opportunity we’re seeing develop, I wanted to understand exactly where things stood for small business owners.

That’s why my team and I conduct an industry survey of online entrepreneurs every year, publishing the findings in our landmark “State of Online Learning” report.

And the results from the latest report are staggering.

It turns out that only 4% of online business owners are not interested in building an online course. The rest are either considering it or have already started.

And for good reason; some of our respondents were doing very well, 60% of them saying they were either satisfied or very satisfied with their course.

When you successfully create your online course, the money CAN be good, no doubt about it…

But the people who responded to our survey were NOT just doing it for the income and lifestyle that course building can provide for you.

No, there’s a lot more to it than that, because…
It’s Not Just About The Money!
man pic

People who set out to build courses usually do so because they want their lives to be so much more meaningful.

You and I both know that there’s more to life than just survival.

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