
Educative – Learn Pure React – An Interactive Deep Dive into the basics of React.js

$39.00 $11.97

Educative – Learn Pure React – An Interactive Deep Dive into the basics of React.js.

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Educative – Learn Pure React – An Interactive Deep Dive into the basics of React.js

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Welcome to Learn Pure React. I’m going to teach you the core concepts of React, in isolation, without Redux, Webpack, and the rest. There’s a problem with frontend development today: it’s overwhelming. There are thousands of libraries out there, each doing one little thing. The React ecosystem is especially guilty of this: there’s React, Flux, Redux, Reflux, Webpack, Babel, React Router, and on and on. Learning everything at once is massively overwhelming. So in this course, we will take a different approach. A more sane approach. We will learn Pure React.

This course teaches you the core concepts of React, in isolation, without Redux, Webpack, and the rest.

When you achieve what’s contained in here – when you learn React cold, you’ll be able to go on and learn all of its friends with ease: Redux, Router, and the rest. Learn Pure React – An Interactive Deep Dive into the basics of React.js

Not only will you be able to learn those other libraries, but you will be well-equipped. You’ll have a solid foundation.

This course has been designed to get you from zero to React quickly, and with maximum understanding.

What we won’t be doing here is what plays out in many tutorials across on the web, where you copy and paste each block of code until you have a working app at the end. “Voila!” they say. “Now you know React and Redux and Webpack!” Learn Pure React – An Interactive Deep Dive into the basics of React.js

In reality, all they’ve done is shown you how to understand a small sliver of functionality (even if it’s a large app). You might learn one or two core concepts with this approach, but it’s a shaky foundation. Inevitably, when you sit down to write your own app, you get lost in the forest of libraries and concepts.

You can only get so far by copying and pasting pieces of code.

And you know this already, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

So here we’ll follow a different approach: I’ll show you a concept, with some example code. Then (and this is the important part) you will use that concept in the exercises that follow, until it’s second nature. Rinse and repeat until we’ve covered all the core pieces of pure React (and there aren’t too many).

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